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Everything posted by SoulShade

  1. What an amazing patch, it feels as if I'm playing a English game now =D!
  2. That would happen to me when I tried to patch the game in a folder. Once I put all the files onto the desktop and started to patch it would actually make a working 256MB patched rom.
  3. He's not advertising, "Oh hey I went ahead and translated the whole game and put it into a patch, it was all me", he is just putting out a patch which a little ahead of version 3, for our convenience.
  4. Are you using the original rom, or the new rom named something like "Pokemon Black_Patched"? I did the same thing myself, not realizing it made a new file.
  5. I've downloaded all the other patches fine but I can't download V3White-NewLogo.rar , I click download but nothing happends. Edit: It worked downloading it with IE, but not firefox.
  6. I'm also in the eastern time zone of the u.s, so I can estimate it will be out in 6 - 8 hours, so be patient please.
  7. Apparently there is still the issue with one certain trainer on the subway.
  8. Well the random battle issues with getting kicked off of wifi is not because of the English patch, I get the same exact problems using a clean rom.
  9. Please don't asking when a patch is going to be ready, it only frustrates them and possibly slows them down.
  10. I figured out it's actually something with pokesav. I got the 6 low levels pokes that actually were allowed to play in wifi, and all I did was raise all of there levels by 1 in pokesav, didn't change anything else, and now they can't be used in wifi; they get kicked off every time. But then again, even 6 original Japanese named pokemon that I caught in the grass with no items on them also got kicked off wifi...
  11. At the moment yes, but it might just be an error on the patches side, not the actual pokemon.
  12. I tried doing a random match on a clean rom with fully Japanese named pokes and it still kicked me off >.<
  13. I confirmed that pokemon I caught before I patched my game with the english patch could be used in random battles(Japanese names), but when I pokesaved my own pokes and gave them Japanese games, they were blocked from wifi like the english named ones.
  14. I can confirm that it must be pokemon with Japanese names, otherwise it will kick you off of wifi.( Pokemon must also only have a range of 3 - 6 levels between them)
  15. Have the little bubbles when battling that "Burn, paralyze, frozen" etc. been translated?
  16. Apparently Version 2 of the English patch has corrupted Wifi files, and that's why I can't do random battles. Are you guys experiencing this as well?
  17. That's odd, that doesn't happen to me, mind giving your flashcart name, firmware, and what patch you're using?
  18. I also have windows xp and experienced your same error, what I did was all moved the rom, the patch, xdelta, and xdelta gui all to the desktop, then when I patched the rom it was successful.
  19. Alright guys last thread got locked due to piracy getting out of hand, I ask that you please read the rules. Do not ASK about downloading ROMS, do not SAY you downloaded a ROM, do not give advice on how to locate ROMs. Otherwise you'll be banned. Rules in a Nutshell. First Words On The Thread.
  20. Patch Instructions: 1. Obtain a clean ROM (Dump it yourself or find it elsewhere don't ask us or anyone in here for it) 2. Obtain a copy of xDelta GUI http://www.mediafire.com/?b7em3n4sn7hhmtr 4. Click "Select Patch" and choose whichever patch you downloaded for your version 5. Now choose 'Select ROM' and navigate to the clean ROM 6. Now click on "Apply Patch" wait until it's done (This is all on the first page by the way) Then get an emulator, such a Desmume http://desmume.org/download/ Correct me if I'm wrong, but you sound like you came here to test out a new game were making or something of that sort, this is a translation project.
  21. Apparently Pokemon Black and White have been pushed back to be released in late April for the U.S, so we have time
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