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Everything posted by SoulShade

  1. To open a rom file you need either A, an emulator, or B, a flashcart. Either work fine but flashcarts have access to wifi. desmume is a good emulator.
  2. Is there going to be anyway to combine this story translation with Kaarosu's battle text patch?
  3. Just letting you guys know that www.pokemon-gl.com is now up!
  4. When I take damage from my life orb, the game hangs a little and it's not translated.
  5. Not when I was doing it, I had all 4 of the files in a folder and it wouldn't patch until I moved them all to the desktop ( Might be a Windows XP issue, that's my OS.)
  6. Same thing happened to me, you have to put the rom, patch, xdelta, and xdelta gui on your desktop.
  7. My bad, that didn't even cross my mind. I'm using a Acekard 2, with Akaio 1.7, running pokemon white xp patched with new title screen.
  8. Just letting you guys know that the V1 patch is working flawlessly.
  9. I'm loving the pokemon white one, White on black is amazing. And that little half pokeball saying pokemon over the O in the v3 was kind of annoying.
  10. The title screen, items,hms / tms, battle text, and pokemon names .
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