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Everything posted by Romruto1
I have two DSs with supercard DSTwo. I tried both patched and non-patched versions of the games and still gets the same ERROR results. Here's what I did: -Added both players friends code. -Go into the Wi-Fi Room (middle NPC) in the POKeMON center. -Connected Successfully on both Black and White on two DSi -On Screen: [My Name Standing by... ] -Go forward to the COMPUTER and press A to access the options on the first DSi and selected Live Caster or Battle. -Seeking participants... -Second DSi screen, PLAYER 1 is jumping up and down. I then press A to PLAYER 1. -Text says: PLAYER 1 wants to chat using the Live Caster. [Apply / Cancel ] -After selecting the APPLY option, text says: Communicating with PLAYER 1... Thennnnn it's either: **** First DSi, text says PLAYER 2 joined you! then says PLAYER1 Failed to respond. or **** 5 minutes later... COMMUNICATION ERROR, blue screen on the second DSi Has anyone successfully used LIVE CASTER or Wi-Fi mode using a FLASHCARD?
It's funny you mention this... If you go to the Official EN website for B/W, look at one of the battle screens. If you notice, it's in Lowercase and not Uppercase like the old POKeMON games. http://www.pokemonblackwhite.com/en-us/pokemon/pidove/ I'd say keep my logos for the unofficial version and leave the logos be. After all, the official release will be using those ones anyway right lol, i dunno it's up to anyone i guess to keep em or not
I want you guys to be honest with these: Hey Poke Community, do you like my old "New LOGOs" or these ones... ? I myself, love the look to it. Hey at least if non poke people are looking over your shoulders, they would wonder lol.They would go "Hey what are you playing, and then you can say "Pocket Monsters!" I know I would *laughs*... So whatcha think?
Hey it's me again with the LOGOs, I see everyone liked my ones that are on the game, however I edited the official LOGOs from the website. So that guy who injected those into the game, you can resize these as I made them useable for injection in our unofficial game. Please note some sort of credit back, I'd appreciate it:
Version 6, untranslated findings... =============== Village Bridge (Creepy Weird Music In That Village lol) =============== >OUTSIDE NPC Man with playing the Acoustic Guitar NPC After the 3 houses EAST named Gachi NPC Man Standing near a Garbage Tin named Reizo Trainer: Baker Yoshie (standing by a trailer) NPC Guy standing with a Pikachu with 3 other NPC and Pokemon. NPC Girl standing with a Minezumi with 3 other NPC and Pokemon. NPC Guy standing with a Waruvile with 3 other NPC and Pokemon. >6 HOUSES (Left to Right from Entrance) 4th House = NPC Man 5th House = NPC Girl (She runs away after you talk to her) 6th House = NPC Girl (She heals your PARTY)
version 5, more untranslated dialogue findings. (In blue = new findings) ============== UNION ROOM ============== *NPC Lady ============== HUIN CITY ============== Chance-Upon Survey HQ: *All NPC Inside ============== RAIMON CITY ============== Musical Hall: *Statues [1st Floor] *Reception Girl #1 [1st Floor] *Reception Girl #3 [1st Floor] *Girl Next to Vending Machine [1st Floor] (Give you TM49 Echo Voice) *Two NPC standing next to each other [1st Floor] *Male Dancer [2nd Floor] *Door Guy [2nd Floor] Big Stadium, Baseball and Football: *All NPC Inside the Building *All NPC Outside the Stadium Seats *Field > All NPC Soccer Players except Soccer Trainer next to the WARP portal Little Court, Tennis and Basketball: *All NPC Inside the Building *All NPC Outside the Stadium Seats *Field > All NPC Basketball Players except Basketball Trainer next to the WARP portal Trial House: *Reception Guy ============== HODOMOE CITY ============== *NPCs in the 2 houses near the "Charizard Bridge" *Hodomoe Market > All NPCs *NPC Trainer: Charles - Battle Dialogue *Pokemon Center > NPC girl next to the Recovery Desk *Pokemon Center > NPC guy that gives you a "REPEAT BALL" near the UNION ROOM [2nd Floor] *Church or School-looking building (Where a HIKER npc is standing around outside) > All NPCs *House near the LEFT side of the Pokemon Center > All NPCs *Two Houses SOUTH of the Pokemon Center > All NPCs Cold Storage: *Blue Haired NPC standing near a BOAT *Worker NPC that gives you "RUGGED HELMET." Hidden between TWO large buildings with BLUE rooftops *Worker NPC Standing around a Parked Truck and near a GREEN storage case. *Inside the Freezing Building, Inside the Storage Case > Female Trainer GRUNT > Battle Dialogue (3rd from the Right) Hodomoe Pokemon Gym: *Trainer: Worker Kankichi > Outside and Battle Dialogue *Trainer: Worker Ginji > Outside and Battle Dialogue *Trainer: Worker Tamotsu > Outside and Battle Dialogue ============== Route 6 ============== *Trainer: Researcher Ron > Outside and Battle Dialogue (Near "The Seasonal Research Facility") *Trainer: Researcher Maria > Outside and Battle Dialogue (Near "The Seasonal Research Facility") *Lone Home (Near a TRAINERS TIP signs) > Little Girl NPC (gives you a "SHINY STONE") *Lone Home (Near a TRAINERS TIP signs) > Lady NPC (Heals your Party) *Lone Home (Near a TRAINERS TIP signs) > Old Man ============== Thunder Stone Cave ============== *Trainer: Researcher Nagaaki > Outside and Battle Dialogue (1st Trainer after meeting up with Bel and Professor Araragi) *Trainer: Plasma Male Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (1st Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Male Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (2nd Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Female Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (3rd Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Female Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (4th Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Male Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (5th Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Female Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (6th Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Male Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (7th Grunt) ============== Fukiyose City ============== *Pokemon Center > NPC guy next to the Recovery Desk *Pokemon Center > NPC guy pilot next to the PC *NPC girl next to the Pokemon Center outside *Home to the Right of the Pokemon Center > NPC lady (bottom left) *Home to the Right of the Pokemon Center > NPC boy (bottom right) *Home to the Right of the Pokemon Center > NPC girl (top left) *Home South of the Pokemon Center near a SIGN > All NPCs *Fukiyose Cargo Service > All NPCs *NPC Pilot standing out the "Fukiyose Cargo Service" center *Fukiyose Gym Guido NPC standing outside in front the GYM *All the NPCs standing outside the AIRPORT Landing/Runaway Airfield *NPC Lady standing at the NORTH exit in Fukiyose City to Route 7 Fukiyose Gym: *Trainer: Worker Cliff > Outside and Battle Dialogue (1st Trainer) *Trainer: Worker Munenori > Outside and Battle Dialogue (2nd Trainer) *Trainer: Worker Testuharu > Outside and Battle Dialogue (5th Trainer) ============== Route 7 ============== *NPC guy standing up the stairs on the left as you begin Route 7 (gives you "TM 57: CHARGE BEAM") *NPC girl standing near the rail *Lone Home near the rail > All NPCs (Man inside wants to TRADE) *Trainer: Ace Trainer Yuichi > Outside and Battle Dialogue (After crossing the rail west from the lone house) [Rotation Battle] *2nd Lone Home before "Tower of Heaven" > All NPCs (Woman inside HEALS your party) *Trainer: Clown Shouhei > Outside and Battle Dialogue (Walking on the rail EAST/NORTH after the 2nd lone house) *Trainer: Clown Pat > Outside and Battle Dialogue (Walking on the rail EAST after the 2nd lone house) Outside Mt.Helix: *Sign before going up the long stairs to Mt.Helix *NPC guy blocking Mt.Helix Entrance ============== Tower Of Heaven ============== *Trainer: Psychic Nesuzu > Outside and Battle Dialogue [3rd Floor - Down RIGHT of the stairs you came from] *Trainer: Psychic Reiko > Outside and Battle Dialogue [4th Floor - 2nd Trainer; Only female trainer]
more untranslated findings on version 5 (more to come if found...) ============== UNION ROOM ============== *NPC Lady ============== HUIN CITY ============== Chance-Upon Survey HQ: *All NPC Inside ============== RAIMON CITY ============== Musical Hall: *Statues [1st Floor] *Reception Girl #1 [1st Floor] *Reception Girl #3 [1st Floor] *Girl Next to Vending Machine [1st Floor] (Give you TM49 Echo Voice) *Two NPC standing next to each other [1st Floor] *Male Dancer [2nd Floor] *Door Guy [2nd Floor] Big Stadium, Baseball and Football: *All NPC Inside the Building *All NPC Outside the Stadium Seats *Field > All NPC Soccer Players except Soccer Trainer next to the WARP portal Little Court, Tennis and Basketball: *All NPC Inside the Building *All NPC Outside the Stadium Seats *Field > All NPC Basketball Players except Basketball Trainer next to the WARP portal Trial House: *Reception Guy ============== HODOMOE CITY ============== *NPCs in the 2 houses near the "Charizard Bridge" *Hodomoe Market > All NPCs *NPC Trainer: Charles - Battle Dialogue *Pokemon Center > NPC girl next to the Recovery Desk *Pokemon Center > NPC guy that gives you a "REPEAT BALL" near the UNION ROOM [2nd Floor] *Church or School-looking building (Where a HIKER npc is standing around outside) > All NPCs *House near the LEFT side of the Pokemon Center > All NPCs *Two Houses SOUTH of the Pokemon Center > All NPCs Cold Storage: *Blue Haired NPC standing near a BOAT *Worker NPC that gives you "RUGGED HELMET." Hidden between TWO large buildings with BLUE rooftops *Worker NPC Standing around a Parked Truck and near a GREEN storage case. *Inside the Freezing Building, Inside the Storage Case > Female Trainer GRUNT > Battle Dialogue (3rd from the Right) Hodomoe Pokemon Gym: *Trainer: Worker Kankichi > Outside and Battle Dialogue *Trainer: Worker Ginji > Outside and Battle Dialogue *Trainer: Worker Tamotsu > Outside and Battle Dialogue ============== Route 6 ============== *Trainer: Researcher Ron > Outside and Battle Dialogue (Near "The Seasonal Research Facility") *Trainer: Researcher Maria > Outside and Battle Dialogue (Near "The Seasonal Research Facility") *Lone Home (Near a TRAINERS TIP signs) > Little Girl NPC (gives you a "SHINY STONE") *Lone Home (Near a TRAINERS TIP signs) > Lady NPC (Heals your Party) *Lone Home (Near a TRAINERS TIP signs) > Old Man ============== Thunder Stone Cave ============== *Trainer: Researcher Nagaaki > Outside and Battle Dialogue (1st Trainer after meeting up with Bel and Professor Araragi) *Trainer: Plasma Male Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (1st Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Male Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (2nd Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Female Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (3rd Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Female Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (4th Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Male Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (5th Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Female Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (6th Grunt) *Trainer: Plasma Male Grunt (Basement 2nd Floor) > Outside and Battle Dialogue (7th Grunt) ============== Fukiyose City ============== *Pokemon Center > NPC guy next to the Recovery Desk *Pokemon Center > NPC guy guard next to the PC *NPC girl next to the Pokemon Center outside *Home to the Right of the Pokemon Center > NPC lady (bottom left) *Home to the Right of the Pokemon Center > NPC boy (bottom right) *Home to the Right of the Pokemon Center > NPC girl (top left) *Home South of the Pokemon Center near a SIGN > All NPCs *Fukiyose Cargo Service > All NPCs *NPC Guard standing out the "Fukiyose Cargo Service" center *Fukiyose Gym Guido NPC standing outside *All the NPCs standing outside the AIRPORT Landing/Runaway Airfield *NPC Lady standing at the NORTH exit of Fukiyose City to Route 7