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About SailorSpork

  • Birthday 12/02/1980
  1. Yeah, but remember that this translation was crowdsourced but (look at the title slide) 30+ translators, and that the story isn't even close to being done. That, and we are QC'ing and fixing glitches as we go here, and Game Freak will need to release a complete, perfectly translated, and near spotless game. Game Freak's not Microsoft.
  2. One odd problem - I downloaded the "Jp names, Black with exp patch" version patch, but it downloads one without the exp patch with English names instead (Black-OldStyle-English.zip). Probably just a link error... can you guys fix this please?
  3. Do you have a dump of the files with the kanji instead of the kana? Would make translation faster. I mean, an experienced translator could read it and translate by hand (me for instance), and have it translated in weeks to month, but likely give up after a week. Or, a lazy but brilliant translator (me again) could strip out the newline and other control characters, dump it into Google translate, read and edit for a few hours with a glass of wine and a videogame soundtrack in the background, and have a 99% as good script, possibly even more accurate due to the inclusion of the kanji to clarify context.
  4. Sorry dude, hard to keep up with 66 pages. Didn't see a running list of caught glitches in 1st or 2nd post, which I checked before reporting. Just sayin' that might be useful.
  5. Oh sweet, we're on Beta 2 already. Should I update or is Beat 3 coming soon?
  6. Glitch to report: When my Pokemon fought a wild Tabunne, Tannobe used attract. However, instead of saying "Janobii fell in love!" it said "Janobii is having a nightmare!" ...No comment if that was on purpose or not.
  7. file #0013 - admins, poke me if you want more, this is pretty easy stuff. \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000を どうする? - "What will \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 do?" マーキング してください - "Please Marking (Please Mark)"? ほんとうに にがしますか?- "Really release?" \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000を そとに にがしてあげた - "\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 released" ばいばい \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000!- "Bye-bye, \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000!" てもちが いっぱいです!"Held item full!" たたかうポケモンが いなくなります! "Wild Pokemon is gone!" このボックスを どうしますか? "What will you do with this box?" どのボックスに\xfffeジャンプしますか? "Which box will \xfffe jump to?" どのテーマに しますか? "Which theme will you choose?" どの かべがみに しますか? "Which wallpaper will you choose?" ボックスそうさを つづけますか? "Continue box search?" このボックスは いっぱいです! "This box is full!" バッグが いっぱいです! "Bag is full!" \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000を あずかった! "\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000 received!" \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000を もたせた! (??) ポケモンを タッチ! "Touch the Pokemon!" どのボックスへ あずける? "Which box will receive?" もちものなし "Not holding anything" ♂ ♀ \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000を あずかりますか? "Receive \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000?" メールをしまうことは できません! "Cannot mail!" \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000を どうしますか? "Do what with \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000?" \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000を しまいますか?"Finish \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000?" \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000を バッグに いれた!"Put \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000 in box!" どうぐを もつことが できます "Item can be used" メールを はずしてください! "Please remove mail!" タマゴを にがすことは できません! "Egg cannot be released!" \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000が もどってきちゃった! "\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 returned!" しんぱい だったのかな…… "It failed, huh..." タマゴは どうぐを もてません! "Egg cannot hold items!" マークを タッチしよう! "Touch the Mark!" ボックスに おけます! "Put in box!" てもちに くわえることが できます! "Item can be eaten!" このボックスは いっぱいです! "This box is full!" てもちが いっぱいです! "Held item is full!" (or Item already held) Deposit Pokémon Withdraw Pokémon Move Pokémon Move Items Battle Box ねかすポケモンをえらぶ "Pick sleeping Pokemon" メールは いどうできません! "Mail cannot be removed!" \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000を もてない! "Doesn't have \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0000!" (?? maybe?) メールを もっています! "Has Mail!" たたかうポケモンが いなくなります! "(Fighting/)Wild Pokemon is gone!" メールは いどうできません! "Mail cannot be removed!" ここでは メールを もたせられません "Mail cannot be put here" タマゴは えらべません! "Egg cannot learn!" \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000を ねむらせます\xfffeよろしいですか? "Really put \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 to sleep?" このポケモンは\xfffeいまは ねむくないみたいです "Pokemon cannot be put to sleep" ポケモンせんたくを つづけますか? "Continue choosing Pokemon?" バトルボックスが ロックされています\xfffeポケモンは いどう できません "Battle Box has been locked \ xfffe Pokemon cannot be removed" バトルボックスが ロックされています\xfffeもちものは へんこう できません "Battle Box has been locked \ xfffe Held item cannot be changed"
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