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Everything posted by Plouman

  1. good work on the v5 patch it works fine on my DSTT just a question has anyone made or got any cheats for DSTT? for Pokemon B/W? i have cheats on but there japanese and i dont understand them at all
  2. good job on the work guys, just a question whats on the beta tester patch, like whats been translated?
  3. Hi ruinairas, you know the black patch you have put on on the first page, has that got kaarosu's patch in it as well so you have merged them two together?
  4. Hi nice work, just a quick question are you making a seperate patch for this or will you get kaarosu to put it into his patches that he releases?
  5. How many times does kaarosu and others need to tell others no roms discussion allowed
  6. Hi guys good job on the hard work you's are all doing. Has there been anymore translation on the story based of the game?
  7. is V1 up yet? and when you post the downloads in could you put that its the v1 release or something so i know what is what lol
  8. Would you be able to notify others what will be in the next patch like when you put download links and put Update : then whatever has been translated since v3?
  9. so theres only 156 pokemon in this game? but you can also trade older gens right? like blaziken for example (if i spelt that correct)
  10. just a question as i havent really played pokemon black much im up to the first gym place. What other pokemon are in it besides the new ones? i know its slightly off topic and a bit silly but i havent played it much lol
  11. just a question to you guys, anyone here working on the storyline based translation?
  12. which are the files for the storyline based?
  13. just found out from kaarosu, that he is planning on not doing the storyline based translation as he is focusing on the interactive part, but if people fully translate the storyline based then the patch he makes he will include it in
  14. Thanks to starting the storyline portion of it . Cant wait till its done but it will probably take a lot of time to do lol
  15. cant wait for a v4 to be made wonder whats going to be on it, i cant wait till the storyline has been translated to english lol
  16. With ddc1's guide will we need to find and change the game id's each time a new version of a patch comes out, or will we just need to use eNDECRYPT to encrypt and decrypt the patched rom so it sorts the id already?
  17. will there be another version of the patch soon for more updated stuff?
  18. Oh ok thanks kaarosu, is anyone working on the storyline to translate to english?
  19. its just the Game ID Kaarosu thats the problem for DSTT users, as ddc1's guide actually fixed it and worked properly, we will just have to do that guide for each patch that comes out. Also a question when a newer version comes out will i patch over the patched rom or patch a clean one again? like i have beta v2 patch on now would i just put v3 patch over the current patched rom i have or is it best to use a clean one?
  20. But like i got told earlier with DSTT the patch changes the game id making it not work, yet before i patched it it was working fine just not translated lol
  21. well all that need sorting is the problem with the game id changing when the patch is applied to the clean rom so the fix shouldnt take much to do
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