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Everything posted by Plouman

  1. I have sent a PM to Kaarosu about the problem on the DSTT so maybe he can fix it for us
  2. No im asking if he has got it working on DSTT because i havent got mine to work because apparently as you apply the patch it changes the game ID lol
  3. has anyone on DSTT got this to actually work?
  4. Well i sent Kaasuro a PM about the problem anyway so lets see what he says
  5. its when i load the rom from my DS i get an error when loading saying "load rom errorcode=4" and it says please reset system
  6. I know lol, what could be the problem its weird
  7. Look on page 48 i had posted my error on there
  8. Lucky you lol, i cant even to get mine loaded on DSTT the rom i used worked fine before i applied the patch but wont load when i put it on lol
  9. can anyone help with my problem? i feel like i'm talking to a brick wall
  10. Hi, i have a problem with the new patch, the two clean roms i have of Black and White worked perfectly on my DS despite the japanese, yet when i put the patch on using Delta GUI i select it on my menu of games it comes up with some error thing and wont load, anyone help me out im on DSTT too but the clean rom worked perfectly just it was in japanese
  11. so once the patch is out how would i put this and patch the rom for Pokemon Black and White?
  12. yeah thats true lol. Cant wait for this to be done
  13. its pointless in us looking at the translation guide, when Kazo and Kaarosu is making a translation patch for it, and he has images to prove it also, what would you rather look at a guide and play it in japanese or play the game and its english
  14. Hey, im sort of new to this site, however i have finally found a site where someone is making a translation patch, and there is images of proof too, can't wait for this to be complete
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