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Posts posted by Requiem

  1. Gldsun gave me a JVC link (French website)

    Forum discution about Aurora Ticket at the moment of French TRU distribution.


    This is a post from 2005, he says he got the ticket with US Emerald.

    It was hard to believe because it's pretty well done job but looks like it's the real thing. Personally i got enough info to accept it.

  2. About the language, definitly no.

    If the distribution device only distributes French WC, it would simply not allow you to download it on English game.

    Now the question is: Did Nintendo make a different distribution device in each language for Europe or or was it the same device for everything.

    About the green guy. Indeed it's 4th Gen, not 3rd. On that point i'm going to investigate.

    Legit or not, the item will definitly work. What makes event item work is simply get it from mystery gift.

    When item doesn't work, it's because it's from code putting it directly in inventory or in a shop. That rule is the same for any generation since Mystery Gift was launched.

  3. Considering it's Saturday morning in Japan. It should take some time for today, especially being where it is at, the Spa Land. It costs some amount of money to get there.

    Information will come when it comes.

    It seems to cost a ton to travel in Japan. I was told the same about Kyushu Events. Have a good trip if you decide to go.

  4. Unfortunately, I believe .phl files contain the data for an entire area of the High Link forest, not just one Pokemon.

    It'd be better to create something original for High Link support.... probably wouldn't even need files, considering how basic it all is.

    Yes indeed, Pokestock2 only allows to extract/insert entire zone. Personnaly I made exell file to order those: pkm/gender/move/phl file number.

    But is it no other way to insert/extract phl files? Or is it simply how Pokestock2 works?

    And yes it is very basic. So if pokegen allows to edit Heylink, maibe listing legal info would be enough(?)

    For example: Misdreavus -- Gender available: both -- Move: none, destiny bound, inferno -- Date: Sept. 28, 2011 onward -- Games: BWB2W2

  5. Hi,

    What about a .PHL support?

    Not especially editing but insert/extract at least.

    There is Pokestock2 but with B2W2 we'll need an update and someone kind enough to translate it when it comes.

    So people could easily use PHL files like we use a PGF. And maibe Guested would upload .phl instead of .pkm in DW section.

    Also, I wondered if you would be motivated to make a GBA Pokegen.

    With PokestockGBA, it's a pain to insert/extract pkm.

    And with Enciclopedia, maibe I missed something but I can only open the first box.

    + there is no mystery gift support in 3rd Gen.


  6. I'm almost positive that there was some event (might have been only in the UK) that allowed players of any Gen III game to send their game to Nintendo and receive all the tickets (minus the Old Sea Map) on their game. This includes the Eon Ticket on R/S and E, the MysticTicket on FR/LG/E, and the AuroraTicket on FR/LG and E. This has been backed up by several searches through old forum archives, as well as Serebii.

    Unfortunalty I think it's not true. For a few reasons.

    -No European Mystic Ticket

    -A 3rd Gen game can only have one WC at a time.

    -It would mean Nintendo made a new distribution system for Eon Ticket (WonderCard) only for UK

    Still possible if:

    -Nintendo employe loads Aurora ticket in your game -> gets the item -> deletes the WC -> Loads mystic ticket

    And mix records with R/S for you.

    But well...

  7. There's the answer I needed.

    In theory, someone could have sent a US Emerald to a friend in the UK, who would then send it to Nintendo of Europe to get the AuroraTicket, who would then send it back to the friend in the UK, who would then send it back to the person in the US. It would cost a lot of money and would almost certainly not be worth it, but it makes an English-language origin Birth Island Deoxys with location "Hoenn" (in Gen IV and V games) legal.

    Now that this has been resolved, here's two more related questions:

    - Could the same have been done by sending a US Emerald to Japan to receive the Old Sea Map, or is there a language lock?

    - I know that Nintendo of Europe would also put the Eon Ticket on Emerald, which is the only way to get an Eon Ticket on an English Emerald without mixing records with R/S. Did they also put the Old Sea Map on? (ridiculously unlikely but you never know)

    Old Sea Map: Almost sure there is a language lock because it would be just like any other 3rd Gen distribution device.

    Eon Ticket was distributed for R/S only in Europe. In Belgium we had to send our games to a TV program magazine. It was long before Emerald and the event never happened again as far as i know.

    RF/LG/E use the first WonderCards system and there is no WC for Eon Ticket as far as I know.

    Mixing record is the only way.

    About Aurora Ticket for Emerald, it doesn't mean it's legal. We don't know yet if European Aurora Ticket device works with Emerald.

    I know someone who has the device, I'll ask.

    Here is an explanation more simple: Someone in Europe bought US Emerald and got the event. If the device works with Emerald, it certainly happened.

  8. Whoops, you're right. I've fixed the link.

    But how do you know the card title is wrong? Do you have any reference for that? I haven't seen the card title for this one anywhere else.

    I won't post it to public if I wasn't sure.

    My reference is simply the legitimate PGF. But you know i'm not authorised to contribute PGF from my team. I can only help you with informations.

    I told you to check VGC12 pics on my blog as proof that I have the Event.

    But i saw enough weird things on forum. So I won't blame you if you don't blindly trust me just because I have the Event.

    I suggest you remove it from Event list for a few days and so wait to double check with Bluesun.

  9. There's no use arguing about it now.

    Ultimately, the files end up public, so might as well just make them public submissions.

    I'll be doing an update today after going to the Pokemon Center event today, anyway.

    If anyone is super-eager to check out this Italian Larvitar, here is a DL link for now.

    .pgf"]Italian Nationals Larvitar

    I'll update the Gallery page and Collection zip later today.

    Hopefully bluesun will contribute his Italian Larvitar from the UK event, and then we can double-confirm.

    You missed with your link. It's the spanish one.

    Anyway the link is correct in Event Galery.

    You can guess I was already sure it was not legit but you know I won't post here if it was at least legal.

    It's hacked. Card title is wrong.

    I confirm it was possible to get all languages at any VGC12. So, the one from Bluesun is probably good.

    You can find pictures of German and French Event in my sig (blog).

  10. From another thread closed because there is this one already

    the info for the Keldeo event has been released and i dont know how to put it on the wonder cards bit so its here lol

    ID 06232

    OT しょこたん

    now 2 diff site say diff things 1 is very wrong 1 say pokemon event the other says pokemon movie 12

    and i think its gonna say pokemon movie 15 as its the 15th movie

    Usually, Japan Event uses the year as reference. So movie 2012 -> Movie12

    And Occidental Event uses the movie's number, so it should be movie15 in US/Europa and probably Australia.

  11. If anyone is interested in just the basic files for events that have taken place, I've made some pages for English (US) and Japanese DW Events in the Gallery.



    Didn't bother trying to get specific natures or anything, the files are just for collecting purposes, and the Gallery is for info, if you'd like it.


    just for info, Eveelution set with same ID/SID are not legal. Except for Korean version.

    Also, pokemon Café is not complete. There are 3 move-set for each pkm and those can be male or female. Best thing to do is female for basic move-set and male for both DW move.

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