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Everything posted by formlesstree4

  1. I'll check to see if the program is Mono compatible. Part of me feels it isn't, but if it is you should be able to run the current version on Mac OSX just fine.
  2. ShinyGTS does not have any migration control. You have to do that by hand. The support is sending Gen V files to Gen V games, sorry.
  3. It's getting an illegal file path. That's all I can make from the error message.
  4. Please read the topic as I already explained why that could happen. It is not the fault of Shiny (G/D)TS.
  5. Visual Basic .NET Glad to have helped! The easiest way to do it is to set your DNS IP on the DS to the IP address of your computer. Then, on your computer, where Shiny GTS has the DNS IP, put the local IP of the computer [NOT] For example, on my local server, the IP of my computer is; so in Shiny GTS & my DS's Primary DNS IP, I would put there. That 'should' work in theory. I'll have to test it myself and then code in the extra support for it to make it easier for people to use it. Keep an eye out for a possible update soon.
  6. I pull the IP address from an external source which might be down. The solution is to just manually locate it yourself (from a site like www.whatsmyip.org) and type it in by hand. That is outside of my control and no amount of re-downloading can fix that. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. The IR-GTS thread is, quite literally, below mine. Occasionally it is above mine too.
  8. Just make sure the Charmander is of the proper format for the Generation you want. If you want to distribute to a Generation IV platform, make sure all Pokemon files are Gen IV format. The same applies for Generation V.
  9. It looks like the Charmander is not valid. I don't know more than that sadly. If you're receiving Pokemon...I'm not sure what the deal is with that. I'll test it again to make sure it works with my game and with the latest code compilations I have. As for the sending, it looks like there is an issue with the randomized sender (again). I don't know what the deal is this time sadly...I'll have to check it out and see what I can discover. Thanks for all the reports guys!
  10. Madisson, I don't know. It has to do with the actual encryptions and decryptions of the pokemon...that's all I know
  11. I could probably rig up a version to do that next time if enough support for it comes in. PikaShoo, I'm pretty sure I also answered your question in your topic.
  12. The IP address you need to use is in the program as DNS IP in the Textbox.
  13. Your problem is with a truncating or invalid message being sent from the DS, not at all related to the OP's; I'm not sure what's going on there honestly. I'll have to look at the code again to make sure nothing is goofing up.
  14. Make sure your firewalls are off or have exceptions and programs like Skype or Teamviewer are not running/are configured to not block Port 80. Also, I recommend using ShinyGTS or DTS as they're more reliable for multiple Pokemon sending for public distributions.
  15. I didn't bother to read the entire thread, but I thought I'd let the OP know (in case he/she already hasn't seen) that the HyperGTS version they're using is sort of out of date. I recommend the new version for ease of use.
  16. If everything is forwarded identically, then the most I can say is that it might be an ISP issue. I don't really know besides that.
  17. Is the DNS side of the program showing any activity at all? If not, then it might be an ISP issue possibly. Make sure Port 53 allows UDP instead of TCP.
  18. The DNS it provides is the one you should use, but the fact that it's not working points to router misconfiguration or firewall blocking. Those are the only culprits that I can think of.
  19. If you don't have permissions, it sounds like something else is using port 80. Do you have Skype or Teamviewer running?
  20. Can you show me an image and maybe an exception message that should appear?
  21. There has been a new version of ShinyDTS released as the bugfix only concerned how ShinyDTS handled client disconnections on shutdown. It is available in the first post.
  22. No, l didn't see any errors on the program just messages about my friend had enter the GTS etc.. nothing more happend after that. What do you think l do wrong or is it the program? :frown: ...it seems that the program is either not communicating properly [not likely], data being truncated [the latest update fixed that rare issue], or perhaps the system is running with the wrong GTS mode selected. [unlikely, but the most likely]. Either way, I can't exactly debug this without either: A) Looking at your screen, B) connecting myself and seeing what data is being sent and received.
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