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Posts posted by Shadowlord757

  1. I recolor pokemon sprites and on occation (SP?) make very simple gifs. I know many of you will say "HA! Recoloring? Why should i ask some online moron while i can do it myself", but if you want, i can take requests.

    Format will be...


    Main Color:

    Extra color: [Area of pokemon's body must be stated] [Add more of the ECs as needed]

    Additional Details if needed:


  2. Once when I was at music class at school, My class was assigned a project where you make up your own instrument,and you could probably guess by my username what my instument was called: Bowser!

    Cool, i did the same project, except mine was probably the only one that was actually a normal, working instrument!

    Onto the main topic, the fact your in a band is very fascinating. I may not play anything on the topic of pop or rock (I play clarinet in my school band), but it must be cool doing such things whilest sitting atop a stage reading music you wrote down note by note, knowing its a success. I envy you. ;)

  3. Honestly, blocks werent the best idea. I think that it wouldve been better just to add pokemon after beating red or something, not haveing to wait to get new blocks, then wait a long time for the pokemon to appear, but looking as it is, the blocks are helpful, but not the best idea.

  4. How MINE would work:

    You start in the large city of Shelldo, known for its famous dream fountain. Each city has a guardian pokemon. As you and your parents leave the house, Team Sandbind kidnaps your parents, and burns down the pokemon center. For some odd reason, the guardian of Shelldo, Relicanth, did not awaken in such a time of need. It, was stolen. Every gaurdian pokemon has been stolen by team sandbind using a device called the Pact Sealer. After you save your parents, your rival informs you of the pokemon league. As you go through the game, you defeat gym leaders, soon after, you must battle that areas Sandbind base, and you must fight that towns guardian, slowly destroying the pact sealer. Defeating the pokemon leagues guardian pokemon destroys the pact sealer, causing the legandary of the game to be summoned, Stalitan (rock/ice) You may obtain each guardian after catching or defeating Stalitan.

    The gameplay will also be completely different. You battle in a full enviroment, it is not turn based. You run around freely, changing move styles. Extremespeed would freezetime, and when you ran into him it hurt him. Shadow ball would should a large dark ball at the foe, causing a realistic knockback. Catching pokemon will be just as easy though. Weaken, status, ball. Wild pokemon will stay random encounters in tall grass, caves and water. Surfing will be the same, but flying will be different. You must go through a very short flying minigame where you may encounter a pokemon. You may skip it once youve broken the Pact Sealer after recieving HM02 fly.

    Hope you like it!

  5. I grouped some types together, and i wondered if it made sense:

    Elemental: Grass, water, fire, electric, ice, ground

    Endless: Grass, water, fire

    Normal: Normal, fighting, flying, bug

    Abnormal: Psychic, ghost, dark

    Material: Steel, rock, poison

    Unique: Ghost, Dragon

    Does it make sense?

  6. Pinser is a very good bug type, so he needs an evo!

    Haunter should have another branch off evo! It'd be ghost and fightin instead! It should also have like a two-hit signature move like beedrill (twinneedle)

    Jynx definatley needs one, since magmar and electabuzz did! This one needs to be a bit less creepy though...

    Absol needs an OU evo, maybe two new forms? Most OUs have 3 forms!

  7. So no one supports an alternate evolution, like another serpent of some kind?It could do Boasqueeze or some attack with 45 power that hits 2-5 times.

    I agree 100% It should have such an attack,and such a form, but should be dark and dragon type. It would PWN in all corners.

  8. I would be how i dreamed my life with pokemon. Having fun, protecting each other. It would be cool, learning math with a frosslass at my side, Flying with a honchkrow. It would be wonderful.

    I walk to school seeing that my teachers are forcing people to read by threatening with pokemon, so i "lighten" the teachers mood with my level 100 metagross, while she has a stupid fearow. I walk outside as an aron sneak out from behind a stone bench to snap at a combee. Every girl wanting a roselia or milotic, and every boy wanting an aggron, or a hitmonchan. Ah, what the life.

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