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Posts posted by Chase-san

  1. New update, this one supports editing your badges (in HGSS, this includes kanto badges). I have fixed the SID and TID thing. Also saving for platinum should work now.

    I added a gender toggle and I have your and your rival name placeholders setup.

    Next on the todo list is to get poke at the save loading and saving some more (it seems to be a little complex in platinum, so while it will save OK now, your changes may not show up due to how it loads blocks).

    Then I need to get the full text editor done (including japanese), redo the font system I have no to support dynamically loaded fonts. Then I can complete the japanese keyboard, so that you can use japanese characters easier in names and etc. (it displays OKAY right now, but I am missing some of the symbols).

    Once I get those done I can get back to adding more features to the pokesav ds, like pokemon editing. :P

    Also yes, this new setup I have is much simpler. (so getting controls done is easier)

  2. Will pokesavDS support Japanese characters?

    It already supports displaying (most of) them. Try it with a japanese save. (with japanese trainer name).

    Making a writing might take a little longer though. Also Platinum checksumming is wrong it seems, probably big block is wrong.

  3. ja, a rough roadmap is....

    finish up trainer editing (fairly simple), minus text editing (name editing will be last to go in)

    Get basic box layout working, listing all pokemon in a box and able to scroll through the boxes. (probably will use the pokemon box layout to a degree).

    Moving pokemon around will probably not be done here but later (you can do that in game anyway right).

    Initially basic ability to edit pokemon, Species, XP, IV, EV, and moveset.

    Add basic party editing now (same pokemon editing though, probably no autocalc)

    and then things will go from there.


    If your card supports the argv mod it should be OK in another directory (AKAIO, CycloDS, HomebrewMenu)

    Homebrew menu is included in the download!


    I use 7zip, get a copy here!

    I use it because its better and faster then winrar or zip AND FREE.

    It works, it loads saves, it saves saves and does all that needed checksumming.

    Works with:

    • Pokemon Diamond
    • Pokemon Pearl
    • Pokemon Platinum
    • Pokemon Heart Gold
    • Pokemon Soul Silver

    Remember to DLDI it for your cart if it doesn't automatically.

    Works on:

    • CycloDS Evolution (before v1.55 root only)
    • Acekard 2i AKAIO
    • EZ-Flash V (root only)
    • Most R4 clones (root only)

    Does not work on:

    • Most slot 2 carts. ( sorry -.-;; )

    Currently it does:

    • Edits trainer data
      • Trainer Name
      • Rival Name
      • TID
      • SID
      • Gender
      • Money
      • Badges

      [*] Edits Box & Party Pokemon

      • Move pokemon around boxes
      • Delete pokemon
      • Clone pokemon
      • Edits Pokemon Name
      • Edits Pokemon IV & EVs
      • Edits Pokemon Moveset (autosets PP)
      • Edits Pokemon Ability
      • Edits Pokemon Species
      • Edits Pokemon EXP/Level
      • Edits Pokemon Item
      • Edits Pokemon Trainer Data (name,tid,sid,gender)
      • Edits Pokemon Contest Stats

      [*]Edits item data

      • Add Items
      • Inline Add (insert) Items
      • Delete items.
      • Automated Item Resort

    Latest Version: r11

    Get the latest version: Download

    Next in line: (in no particular order)

    Cutting down the item lists to what can be put in bags (r12?)

    Rework windowing color system (almost done (r12ish))

    Basic Pokedex Editing (r12ish?)


    Finish Pokemon Editing (r10 to r15??)

    Wider range of save type support

    Retail Cart Eeprom Loading/Editing/Saving (very very experimental right now)

    Mail Editing (maybe?)

    r10 snapshots



    PPSE-DS Goals:

    • Edit basic trainer data.
    • Edit basic item data.
    • Edit basic pokemon data.
    • Maybe Edit Pokedex entry data.
    • Do it with style.

    (End Goals)

    PPSE-DS will not and can not ever be a complete replacement for a computer based editor, due to the DS's limited memory and processing capabilities. (notably even simple pid generation is slow)

    Pokemon editing should eventually have:

    Auto calculation of battle data for party pokemon.

    Ability to edit moves.

    Change Nickname, Species, Ability, PID, Exp, IVs, EVs, Contest stats, TID, SID, OT Name, OT Gender, met date, met location, pokemon gender, pokerus, egg location, egg date, pokeball, held item, and that is probably about it. (no ribbons, etc, sorry)

    Item editing should cover each of the different bag slots, (and limit it to items which could be in them?).

    Trainer editing, should eventually have TID, SID, Money, badges, Name, Trainer Multiplayer Avatar, gender and rival name. Thats about it.

    This should be more then enough for 'on-the-fly' editing. Anything you can change freely in game will probably be omitted (pokemon markings, box wallpaper, box names, signature, etc)



    Q: Why make a save editor for use ON the DS?

    A: Why not? Well okay, the real answer is that I personally wanted one, and so if I wanted one maybe other people want one too, so why not share?

    Q: Will you be able to edit saves on the original cartridges?

    A: No, unfortunately not. The main reason being that there are circumstances that prevents loading from eeprom (in most cases) in later versions of the toolkit I am using.

    Q: Can you make a save editor for Game XYZ?

    A: Probably not, unless I wanted to, I get no other reward out of making an editor then for my own use. Plus all the research that is required, Pokemon has a lot of research already done and publicly available. Most games do not.

    Q: So your not very 'skilled' then if you cannot do the research?

    A: I like to think that I am skilled and I DO do research, it just happens that I have to do substantially less since there is already research done. I like to think that I am not so much unskilled as I am lazy.

    Q: So what languages do you know? (okay so not a FAQ)

    A: Well normal languages I know English and some Japanese. Computer languages I happen to be able to read, understand, and write ASM(RAW)(x86, ARM, Thumb), C++, C, Java, BASIC(omg), Brainfuck, PHP, Perl, Lua, Python, Pascal, Fortran, and more... I mainly only work with C++,C, Java, and ASM however. But Brainfuck has a special place in my heart.

    [Edit by evandixon]

    Aaarrrrggg!!! So many dead links in the forums I moderate!

    So that's why I attached the *.nds file included in the package that used to be downloadable.

    No, I don't have the full package anymore, so if you need help, then you'll have to ask, instead of reading the readme.

    I don't have the HomebrewMenu.nds, so if you need it, you'll have to find that elsewhere.



    • Like 1
  5. PokeLib v0.3 is out in the wild. I have tested most the functions, untested still is the save block checksum correction, it should work though. :)

    Enjoy and as always feel free to give me feedback (not sure if anyone has even tried to use this yet, but that may change with this release!)

  6. That is not really a PokeLib question.

    But the DS is limited to the 4mb of ram the DS has, minus the size of the two binaries which must stay in memory. The arm7 binary normally gets put into the arm7 deticated ram. If you are clever you can jam some of the image data into video ram then free it up from your normal ram, or read it directly from fat into the video ram. Just be sure you know how to do dynamic memory management. You must avoid all statically rowed things as best as you can unless they are always needed. (which means using malloc, free, and C++'s new and delete)

  7. evandixon:

    After some reading, I would have to write some VB code to be able to do that.

    If you are using VB.Net Then the first thing you will have to do is to make a .Net wrapper for it. This can be done using the aximp tool from the Visual Studio .Net command line. This tool makes a wrapper-dll which you can import into your project and use as a normal .dll. The wrapper file is called the same as the original dll, but with 'Ax' as prefix.

    something like....

    Declare Sub Toolkit.shuffle Lib "AXlibpoke.dll" (ByVal Raw As Long) As Long
    Declare Sub Toolkit.unshuffle Lib "AXlibpoke.dll" (ByVal Raw As Long) As Long

    Where the longs are pointers to an array of bytes in this case. This is just my best guess on how to write those however. Do not ask for help, I do NOT know... right now.


    YES! It should work just fine in a Nintendo DS Homebrew application. In fact I might reboot PokesavDS after I finish this Library to a decent degree.

  8. Visual Basic. No probably not, would require a wrapper, and it probably doesn't like the way I pack structures.

    However I did make a dll out of it which can probably be imported into VB as a shared library, but I am unsure how to go about doing that.

  9. This nifty tool you can use to inject PKM files into your boxes in your HGSS save files. It is command line only (DEAL WITH IT! #_X).

    Based on research done by people who put stuff on the wiki, my own investigation, Grovyle91, Codemonkey, and JiggyNinja.

    -b#    Box number
    -s#    Slot in box
    -p$    String of pkm file

    Usage Example:

    HGSSPKMInject -b2 -s1 -p"Pokemon.pkm" "YourSave.sav"

    Get it here!



  10. Use these codes to fix most if not all of those annoying freezes in HG/SS

    NO$GBA Fix
    020DD9E4 E1A00000

    Use ARDS RAW mode (normal mode might work though!)

    Use some other patch for the rest.... I am just to tired.


    If people still get freezes be sure to tell me where/when it happens!

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