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About Agonist

  • Birthday 07/17/1957
  1. Could try not hacking as an alternative.
  2. It's becoming somewhat of a tradition, they had them as DP events, then early BW events, so why not repeat for XY?
  3. This has a completely illegal encounter type, and yet...
  4. Sucks that we will have to SR for good IVs + nature, but otherwise, interesting event. Is there any information on whether Hold Back is a physical or special move (the name sounds like a physical move, but who knows with Gamefreak).
  5. Would have been to easy to make it hold a Garchompite.
  6. Any reason for twelve, or that's just the number they pulled out of a hat?
  7. If it can learn the move in a previous generation, then it won't show up as being hacked as long as the Pokemon in question originates from that generation. For example: https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=3483893 My Metagross has four moves it can only learn in Generation 3, but they all show up as valid, since they're possible moves on this particular Metagross.
  8. Kind of a weird error, but for these: https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=6365691 https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=6365690 Pokecheck is displaying the wrong ribbon for the Pokemon (should be the Battle Champion one instead of Marine )
  9. How about you stop hacking, and clogging the thread with non-issues?
  10. This has an illegal egg move combination - the only valid parent for Clear Smog is Weezing, which is unable to learn Disable. Several other Pokemon receive Clear Smog as an egg move, along with Disable, but as only Weezing can pass it on in the first place, none can pass both at the same time.
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