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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. also, since we're talking about it, at the end of every turn the game does damage calcs for every move it has to see what the best move would be the next turn. if it didn't use frustration/return when it could have that's because it thought it found a "better" move given its other moves and options after the damage calc.

  2. what's the secret id code? i've never heard of any such thing as there's no reason to make a code like that that would leave any kind of permanent mark. if there is such a code, whoever made it did a terrible job and really seriously did something they shouldn't have.

    the iv checker replaces calls to parse the pkm file for stats with calls for the ivs. it's actually really simple stuff and isn't overwriting anything that would impact the game, so no it won't affect anything. no "viewer" codes like that should affect the game in any way aside from maybe overwriting your money which you can just fix with the ar.

    the only way you could permanently affect your game would be to overwrite some data that is saved to your save game. all the code is loaded fresh from the rom every time from the arm7/9 and overlays so nothing can be permanently broken.

  3. it's actually really easy to do. starting at 0x2638 in the save, highlight 136(0x88 in hex) bytes and copy them out of your hex editor and into a new file in the hex editor and save it as a pkm file. you can open and view the files in pokegen and view their catch/met date.(that one will be a quilava) note the pattern at the beginning of the pkm: 4 bytes, 2 zero-ed bytes, and 2 bytes again. you can go down from there copying 0x88 bytes at a time and making pkm files out of it. just ignore the 0x1C bytes between pkms. see the picture:


    the highlight is the first pkm. the red boxes are the second and so forth.

    e: here:


    i wrote a dumper for the files instead because there are so many.

    here's the source for anyone interested: http://pastebin.com/TYHMkHtR

  4. all of those check for types as part of the move.

    as for the move effects, pretty much all of that stuff is possible. we would need a serious understanding of all the commands and all their arguments to pull it off though. the problem is what i was saying above. the commands are extremely complex- some have their own large subsystems, some commands actually start new script environments that run new commands, and they all have tons of arguments that are really hard to figure out/follow through the code.

  5. does anybody know of any codes to view seed, iv frame, and nature/shiny frame?

    edit: and maybe a code to jump to specific frames? that way RNG'ing up to frame 5000 would be plausible.

    i was bored so i made a code to view frames on your ds:

    0200574C F958F3FA

    123FFA00 00004904

    123FFA02 0000680A

    123FFA04 00003201

    123FFA06 00004B05

    123FFA08 0000600A

    123FFA0A 0000601A

    123FFA0C 00004802

    123FFA0E 00006944

    123FFA10 00004770

    123FFA12 000046C0

    023FFA14 023FFA20

    023FFA18 0209DA98

    023FFA1C 02226724

    D2000000 00000000

    the code:

    MEMORY:023FFA00 loc_23FFA00
    MEMORY:023FFA00 LDR     R1, =dword_23FFA20
    MEMORY:023FFA02 LDR     R2, [R1]
    MEMORY:023FFA04 ADDS    R2, #1
    MEMORY:023FFA06 LDR     R3, =dword_2226724
    MEMORY:023FFA08 STR     R2, [R1]
    MEMORY:023FFA0A STR     R2, [R3]
    MEMORY:023FFA0C LDR     R0, =sub_209DA98
    MEMORY:023FFA0E LDR     R4, [R0,#0x14]
    MEMORY:023FFA10 BX      LR
    MEMORY:023FFA10 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    MEMORY:023FFA12 DCB 0xC0 ; +
    MEMORY:023FFA13 DCB 0x46 ; F
    MEMORY:023FFA14 off_23FFA14 DCD dword_23FFA20           ; DATA XREF: MEMORY:loc_23FFA00r
    MEMORY:023FFA18 off_23FFA18 DCD sub_209DA98             ; DATA XREF: MEMORY:023FFA0Cr
    MEMORY:023FFA1C off_23FFA1C DCD dword_2226724           ; DATA XREF: MEMORY:023FFA06r
    MEMORY:023FFA20 dword_23FFA20 DCD 0x51                  ; DATA XREF: MEMORY:loc_23FFA00o

    it overwrites your cash, but that doesn't matter since you're using an ards anyway.

    the code for viewing the seed on the trainer card is already made and with a little work you can use that to set the seed.

    also, the code starts counting from the beginning, so you will have to add your starting frame in if you use it. that's really easy though.

  6. 520191F8 42112001

    120191FC 0000D100

    94000130 FFFA0000

    120191FC 000046C0

    D2000000 00000000

    hold A + select as you enter an area

    it re-enables all the events in the area. you might have to fight hugh again. just don't pick up any tms a second time.

  7. Well, I see admins have fun deleting all my posts... If you hate me, just ban my account, because it is boooring. It's also funny, because many of you call yourselves "hackers" and you even don't know how to create a simple code (I would like to belive that you are just too lazy, but... Well, it's impossible).

    Anything of yours that was deleted was done so because it was off topic, posting the same thing multiple times, or making ridiculous requests. If a requested code wasn't made then either no one thought it was worth making, it was made somewhere else already so no one bothered, or it was inappropriate(this being an example of inappropriate: click). No one owes you their time to make anything.

    bro i was treated the same...some mods are like that on here to the noobs get use to it. if you are feeling they are treating u bad talk to the admins.

    You should know better after that last ridiculous thread.

  8. i was talking to codr about it and he last built pokegen with visual studio 2010 for 3.1.10. i'm using visual studio 2012 with the winXP setting on and i'd imagine that vs2012 builds using.. something that an older cpu like that can't support. i spent a bit of time looking and i didn't see anything in it about older cpus or different instruction sets that looked like they might fix the problem.

  9. i didn't realize this was being discussed. i spent a few minutes looking into it awhile back. probably in november, i think.

    it's another scripting environment essentially equivalent to the one used for the main script system, just cut down in size. instead of a 256-word stack, it's 16. instead of 64 global variables, there are 8. there are quite a few less commands, though the commands themselves are even more complex than in the main system and some use a LOT of arguments(i count more than a dozen command arguments in one of the commands). the secondary narc is loaded as part of one of the commands and some math is done to jump into a decided-upon file in that narc. afterward, the environment jumps back to where it was.

    there's a lot of fixed point math and vector-specific math, so it looks like the commands operate more directly and are more hardcoded than the main environment.

    quite a few of the commands have their own subsystems, their own memory blocks/filename allocations, and most of them are built on 10 or more script arguments. while the commands in the main script system are used together and strewn into long, complex scripts, these are used sparingly and are long and extremely complex on their own.

    fyi: the first value is actually the number of scripts in the file. after that, the header is really pretty obvious.

  10. i'm not supporting something that old. that's almost definitely the problem.

    Athlon XP 1500+ 	1333 MHz 	256 KB 	266 MT/s 	10x 	1.75 V 	60.0 W 	October 9, 2001 	AX1500DMT3C

    the error code isn't just for SSE stuff, it's for any unsupported instruction. there's a slight chance there's ram problems causing unsupported instructions(especially if the ram is also 12 years old), but it's most likely the incredibly old age of your cpu.

  11. bond please answer to meeeeeeee

    i didn't bother because there's no reason to. anyone who's rnging would need an action replay to do it which most rngers won't like and people who are breeding lots of eggs can just do 1 extra to make up for the static one.

    the code looks like this:

    1206F206 0000F390
    1206F208 0000EB12
    023FF830 E59FA010
    023FF834 E7941001
    023FF838 E151000A
    023FF83C 03A020CC
    023FF840 11A02005
    023FF844 E12FFF1E
    023FF848 02225DA4
    023FF84C 00000000
    1203B25A 0000F3C4
    1203B25C 0000EAFA
    023FF850 E0911006
    023FF854 E2922004
    023FF858 E59FA008
    023FF85C E151000A
    023FF860 0242200C
    023FF864 E12FFF1E
    023FF868 02225CA4
    023FF86C 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

    MEMORY:023FF830             ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
    MEMORY:023FF830  --this is the routine to fix the load in from the save
    MEMORY:023FF830             sub_23FF830
    MEMORY:023FF830 10 A0 9F E5 LDR     R10, =0x2225DA4
    MEMORY:023FF834 01 10 94 E7 LDR     R1, [R4,R1]
    MEMORY:023FF838 0A 00 51 E1 CMP     R1, R10
    MEMORY:023FF83C CC 20 A0 03 MOVEQ   R2, #0xCC ; '¦'
    MEMORY:023FF840 05 20 A0 11 MOVNE   R2, R5
    MEMORY:023FF844 1E FF 2F E1 BX      LR
    MEMORY:023FF844             ; End of function sub_23FF830
    MEMORY:023FF844             ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    MEMORY:023FF848 A4 5D 22 02 dword_23FF848 DCD 0x2225DA4             ; DATA XREF: sub_23FF830r
    MEMORY:023FF850             ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
    MEMORY:023FF850  --this fixes the memcopy of the daycare pkms to the right place
    MEMORY:023FF850             sub_23FF850
    MEMORY:023FF850 06 10 91 E0 ADDS    R1, R1, R6
    MEMORY:023FF854 04 20 92 E2 ADDS    R2, R2, #4
    MEMORY:023FF858 08 A0 9F E5 LDR     R10, =0x2225CA4
    MEMORY:023FF85C 0A 00 51 E1 CMP     R1, R10
    MEMORY:023FF860 0C 20 42 02 SUBEQ   R2, R2, #0xC
    MEMORY:023FF864 1E FF 2F E1 BX      LR
    MEMORY:023FF864             ; End of function sub_23FF850
    MEMORY:023FF864             ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    MEMORY:023FF868 A4 5C 22 02 dword_23FF868 DCD 0x2225CA4             ; DATA XREF: sub_23FF850+8r

    you can follow the hex words in the code with the hex in the disassembly. ex. 023FF830 E59FA010, 10 A0 9F E5 LDR R10, =0x2225DA4

    the rest of the code is branches- one out of an sdk function and one out of a function that copies blocks of save data.

  12. in the general bw2 thread, kazo mentioned basic rw access to memory. i actually already have that mostly done.


    to use this, throw mem.h into ..\devkitPro\libnds\include and libmem.a into ..\devkitPro\libnds\lib

    then in the file you want to use the functions, add:

    #include <mem.h>

    finally, pop open your makefile for the project you're working on and look for this line:

    LIBS := -lnds9

    change it to:

    LIBS := -lnds9 -lmem

    and you're good to go. aside from the basic get, set, and swap, the memcopies and memsets are faster than what's in newlib, the stdlib implementation in devkitpro.

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