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About Nashza

  • Birthday 05/20/1985
  1. i was trying to edit the All EVs 252 code to be more specific for my starmie, but i can't figure out which FC corresponds to which stat. I tried to look at the other EV codes to help me out, but two are labeled as attack, which was semi-confuzzling. If someone could tell me the order it would be greatly the help would be greatly appreciated. ::All EV 252 1206F04A 00004800 0206F04C 023C0B91 1206F050 00004700 E23C0B90 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 0000FCFC FCFCFCFC 46C046C0 i know that the very last one is hp. thats about it
  2. hey, i'm relatively new here, but i've been playing pkmn for a looong time. You've been a lifesaver with the codes but i was messing around and i just wanted to remind you that 0c is 12, and 0d is 13. then again, it was just an example.... keep em coming
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