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About KingJacob

  • Birthday 10/31/1991
  1. Seeing as this is a new page and I am still waiting for a response I just wanted to know if anyone could answer my previous questions. It seems that with the huge amount of people who use the first code at least someone must know the answer. Sorry if this was rude of me to post.
  2. Which row do I modify for each stat in this code (like attack, special attack, etc) 1206e012 0000201f 1206e028 0000201f 1206e03e 0000201f 1206e054 0000201f 1206e06a 0000201f 1206e080 0000201f Also could somebody make a code to make snorlax reappear, even if you caught it? Similarly to how the other legendary pokemon respawn codes work Thank you in advance for any help you could give me
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