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About Hominid

  • Birthday 01/01/1982
  1. Hi, recently I tried changing a nature of one of my Pokémons and when checking it's PID it got reported as Invalid by PokéCheck. I tried changing the methods from 1 to 9 but still no go. Method 2 got reported as Valid for a brief period but it seems it was a fluke. I've read that PID gets auto-generated when retrieved from GTS, but retrieving still got an invalid PID. Am I doing something wrong here?
  2. Fair enough, my bad. I was fooling around with PokeGen to see if there was a different between game generated PIDs vs. PokeGen ones and noticed this.
  3. I'm getting confused over the PID generation with different methods using PokeGen. Using Method 1 to generate PIDs for BW, PokeCheck always reports them as invalid, where using Method 2 always reports as valid, however I read multiple time that Method 1 was the one used to calculate wild encounters. Is there any harm in using Method 2 (Ex.: chance to get flagged as Hacked) or not really? Edit: Disregard.
  4. Sorry, forgot to explain. Yep I tried to add it to see if it would work, but I guess you need go get it from some special way for it to work.
  5. Is it possible to change their forms without a 3DS? Just put them in my game but can't change their forms, the mirror won't have any effect on them.
  6. I have both patches and the C-Gear still won't work. Just hang on the loading screen after I confirm.
  7. I thought so too, but it doesn't seem like it. With the main version only the wild Pokémon names are translated, the previous caught ones are untouched, with that version all Pokémon games, even the previous ones, get translated and thus flagged as hacked. Edit: Nigoli just replied above, thanks!
  8. Hi, is there a patch version that doesn't translate wild Pokémon names, so they are considered legit by Pokécheck?
  9. Hi, I've searched around but didn't seem to find any clue to why this happens aside from one lonely post 1 month agoe. I have around 50~ or so Pokémon with the following error: "Unknown encounter (or Johto Safari Zone)." As you can guess, they were caught in Johto Safari Zone, in-game in an authentic Heart Gold. Is this just a checker limitation and not to worry about, or is there something I must do to solve it? Example: http://i.imgur.com/HD5sl.png
  10. Hominid

    About NOK pokemon

    yes it can exist, you'll just need to trade it with some one from Korea.
  11. Hominid


    There's really not much info at the moment about Pokeathlon right now, I guess no one knows how to max those stats yet.
  12. Use PokeGen instead.
  13. Thank you all for your help! I managed to get both Azure Flute and Oak's Letter easily in my retail Platinum. And Imari, that was exactly what I wanted. BananaMan14, there was no need to convert them, they worked just fine.
  14. Here you go. All legal and double checked in a retail game. They all have their respective items, but let me know if somethings missing.
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