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About warmo161

  • Birthday 11/04/1993
  1. Ok then, i'll have a look...
  2. I've tried the newer version of the backup manager but it crashed instantly (Supercard DS Two) but managed to get it working on my old M3 DS Real, even though im having problems connecting it to my ftp server (which i have no problem fixing) it still says the save file is only 64 kb: This screenshot is from v2 (not v3) but the file size problem is still there anyway https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4688098/Photo%2024-01-2014%2010%2048%2019%20am.jpg
  3. How weird, does it matter what version of the tool to use? I decided to use the previous version because the newer one looked like it was in german only I'll try both versions of the programs again later today, but when it was copying no errors came up, i'll take some pictures when I do it this time too If it dosent work I'll look into that backup adapter...
  4. Here you go: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4688098/POKEDUN%20SORA.0.sav
  5. Hi there, I've been figuring out how to extract the save from a EU version retail cart of Sky, I've figured out how to do it via the DS save manager with FTP, I've got the save and I want to make sure its worked correctly, so I run it though SkyEdit but everything is blank and there is no information, help?
  6. This is a very good program, but it is a shame he has disappeared All I hope is that a mystery gift editor comes out with support to share the wonder cards, or maybe we would have to wait for nintendo to release a sharable gift and find the differences? Please add this feature to pokegen!
  7. Hi, just went on GAME and found out about this celebi event, and how crap nintendo are and don't know the existance of game stores around yorkshire (hull?) Anyway, I was looking if anybody has been or where I could fine the event file? so I can have the mystery gift?? I don't know if your allowed to do this, so don't upload anything if your not allowed
  8. i thought it was linked to the card, until i found save editing and pokesav
  9. well. i can get to about lv4 and have enough coins for a dragonite, but i don't want to spend them!
  10. no, i found out how to fix that! just disable your firewall on your pc! you don't have to touch your router settings at all!
  11. could this idea be made using somthing else? i mean, i have used python for a bit for basic stuff, but what about somebody who doesn't have the program? could this be made into a windows program, with some working this could be better and may fix the problem, i'm having
  12. hi, i wanted to get the game on my flash kart and i did, but when i started it up, i can't save and an error comes up. loading from previous made saves doesn't work, the game brings up proffessor oak again
  13. what about getting a pikachu in the actual game, then editing the moves?
  14. well. i finally got into the gts and got the jigglypuff from this fan site. but i can't do it at home. it says my dns, but it thinks its invalid on my game!
  15. hi there i don't know why, but the woman at the gts in jublife is blocking me from going in, even that i have all the gym badges. is there anyway to 'silence' her, or is there any map co-ordinates i can use to get me inside? BTW this is on platinum, as D&P 'sav doesn't work with vista. buts thats another story...
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