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Posts posted by Toffeuy

  1. This was after the elite-four and all the events (eg. Stark Mountain, etc.). They're all lvl 100, and yes, even my bibarel!

    Garchomp - none

    Weavile - none

    Kingdra - none

    Staraptor - Fly, Staraptor isn't really HM Slave, I use Fly as an attack

    Gliscor - Cut, Strength, Defog

    Bibarel - Surf, Waterfall, Rock Smash, Rock Climb


    Mew and Arceus can learn all HM's

    Empoleon can learn 7 HM's

  2. The Arceus will not trigger the game event in Platinum with the miner. Could it be because Canalave City is not an area I've reached yet (I'm only at Eterna City) and/or because I did not get the Wonder Card data?

    Yeah, I think you need National Dex cause Arceus is not in Sinnoh Dex. And as DanteKoriyu said, it needs to be registered in your Pokedex to activate the event. Not having the National Dex and having that Arceus still is not having Arecus in your Pokedex.

  3. In this case and very similar ones, you're saying that I just need to change its name back to the original name to normalize the trash bytes, right?

    No just change it to any name, then change it to the name you want and it will be valid. Should've made it clearer...

    What if I were to then make a future modification in Pokesav (a move, its IVs, anything...)? Would I need to repeat this step again?

    You can use the step again but it takes time, so ask someone else for where you download the Trash Byte Normalizer for a faster process.

  4. The Trash Byte Normalizer is only if you're trying to make a pokemon which looks like it was migrated from another game. But most pokemon can be caught through normal encounter or pokeradar anyway now. Only not the legendaries of the other Gen games and the starters of GS. So unless necessary, try to make it to be a last resort. I don't know where you get the Trash Bye Normalizer but you can normalize it through the name rater (I think he's in eterna city, not sure). Just name your pokemon something else then rename it back to its original name and its Trash Bytes would be valid.

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