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Simple Art

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About Simple Art

  • Birthday 12/11/1992
  1. my very first shiny (excluding the red gyarados) was a exeggcute. i was getting tired after playing sliver for 8 or 9 hours straight without rest of any kind and out of wearyness i stood there staring at a tree for about 30 mins before i finally headbutt it and an exeggute fell out. i was about to kill it (still dazed by lack of sleep) when all of a sudden it started to sparkle. i was like "WHAT THE F*CK!" i thought i was a glicth but i remembered my red gyarados and captured it, it tryed to run away early on but i used mean loo on it and took my time. a flawless capture } but then the new games (ruby and sapphire) came out and u couldnt bring older games over so i lost him
  2. I NEED A CODE! i tryed downloading pokesav but my computer has so many problems that it couldnt handle, can someone please make a code for the following pokemon... lv.100 butterfree (nicknamed: Damnnation) 1250000 exp. with the following moves: Shadow Force, Dard Void, Jugement, and Roar of Time (these are the moves i want, regardless of legitamance, i will change the moves as i go but i want these to be its starting moves) with the the ability "Download" or "wondergaurd." (preferably Download) if u can make all of it stats range from 300-450 that would be appreciated. its OT is "MasterWGS" its trainer IDno. is 00666 it has maxed out Contest stats (ex: cool, tough, smart, cute, beauty) with maxed out Sheen all ribbons HP is 300-350 Serious nature captured on "Dec. 21, 2012" from "Distant Land" or "kanto" or "Jhoto" arrived at Lv. 100 is "quick tempered" and likes sour and is male NON-SHINY! and has/had PKRS if u want but not needed ...if ive missed something feel free to edit that like u want, once again, thank u for ur help by the way im sure u want to know what i could use a pokemon like that for. my friend used cheat codes on his pokemon to make the stronger and some codes spwaned powerful pokemon, i need this butterfree to beat them (there not unstoppable), there just really strong, also we have a joke about a butterfree from a pokemon abriged series (A.K.A. Box of Danger) and i thought i would be nice to have a "powerful" butterfree, thanks to anyone that makes the code for me and anyone that even bothered to look at this message. ill post the code for everyone to see anywhere i can with full credit to the person that made it first (it has to work also). once again, thank you for your time if u make this code please email it to me at... ..."odst2@hotmail.com" HAPPY GAMING!!!!
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