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  1. amidevous

    PKHeX on Linux

    Thanks to the work of Fabian Maurer https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/merge_requests/5064/diffs PKHex is now compatible with version 24.01.12 on Unix to update your version execute the following commands rm -rf $HOME/.local/.share/pkhex wget "https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex/raw/master/update.sh" -qO update.sh chmod +x update.sh ./update.sh rm -f update.sh I will update the package on the deposits probably Monday from the moment you have the dependencies to install this command will always allow PKHex to be updated on Unix distributions a big thank you to Fabian Maurer
  2. Thanks to the work of Fabian Maurer https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/merge_requests/5064/diffs PKHex is now compatible with version 24.01.12 on Unix to update your version execute the following commands rm -rf $HOME/.local/.share/pkhex wget "https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex/raw/master/update.sh" -qO update.sh chmod +x update.sh ./update.sh rm -f update.sh I will update the package on the deposits probably Monday from the moment you have the dependencies to install this command will always allow PKHex to be updated on Unix distributions a big thank you to Fabian Maurer
  3. Thanks to the work of Fabian Maurer https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/merge_requests/5064/diffs PKHex is now compatible with version 24.01.12 on Unix to update your version execute the following commands rm -rf $HOME/.local/.share/pkhex wget "https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex/raw/master/update.sh" -qO update.sh chmod +x update.sh ./update.sh rm -f update.sh I will update the package on the deposits probably Monday from the moment you have the dependencies to install this command will always allow PKHex to be updated on Unix distributions a big thank you to Fabian Maurer
  4. Thanks to the work of Fabian Maurer https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/merge_requests/5064/diffs PKHex is now compatible with version 24.01.12 on Unix to update your version execute the following commands rm -rf $HOME/.local/.share/pkhex wget "https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex/raw/master/update.sh" -qO update.sh chmod +x update.sh ./update.sh rm -f update.sh I will update the package on the deposits probably Monday from the moment you have the dependencies to install this command will always allow PKHex to be updated on Unix distributions a big thank you to Fabian Maurer
  5. what is the version number of the package there were several problems at the beginning when creating the packages I had to redo several times and on certain distribution I believe that it is not updated please check your package version pkhex_24.01.12-73 or update try temporary manual command to solve problem #install the prerequisites according to your system #Ubuntu/Debian/Raspbian with official repository (not use winehq repository or winehq-* package) sudo apt-get -y install wine winetricks wget zenity make # or sudo apt-get -y install wine-stable winetricks wget zenity make sudo winetricks --self-update #fedora install rpm fusion free and rpm fussion non free repository (not use winehq repository or winehq-* package) #https://rpmfusion.org/Configuration/ sudo dnf install https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm sudo dnf -y install wine winetricks wget zenity make sudo winetricks --self-update #for Mac OSx install xcode and homebrew require #visit https://developer.apple.com/download/applications/ #and https://brew.sh/ #for last information #if your computer is not compatible with the latest version of xcodes #you can download an older version that will be compatible by simply changing the version number in the final url example #actual latest version #https://developer.apple.com/services-account/download?path=/Developer_Tools/Xcode_15.3_beta/Xcode_15.3_beta.xip #https://developer.apple.com/services-account/download?path=/Developer_Tools/Xcode_15.2/Xcode_15.2.xip #but my mac is only compatible with version 13 this url will be functional #https://download.developer.apple.com/Developer_Tools/Xcode_13.2/Xcode_13.2.xip #to know the compatibility of the xcodes development tools version visit this page #https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-release-notes/ brew install wget brew install zenity brew install --cask wine-stable brew install winetricks #once the prerequisites are installed you can install by executing the following command wget "https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex/raw/master/update.sh" -qO update.sh chmod +x update.sh ./update.sh rm -f update.sh #clean all $HOME folder for reset rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/pkhex #when the new version is published you must delete the /opt/pkhex directory with administrator rights sudo rm -rf /opt/pkhex enjoy just start with your desktop menu in game or use command line pkhex source code is available here for the packages https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:amidevousgmail:pkhex and on my git for all Unix distributions (Linux and Mac OSX) https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex I am also working on a new graphical launcher in Zenity so there will be a new version with a menu and options to simplify problem solving this will also allow you to replace wine with proton and to be able to choose another version of proton if it does not launch with the programmer version There will also be a configuration with gettext for menu translation If you have any problems please open a ticket here https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex/issues do not hesitate to participate in the project on bitbucket contrary to what is indicated, the version and 23.10.11 which works in net7, net 8 does not seem to work on net8 the program launches but immediately displays an error and closes after that it's the fault of the developers who do anything he should have left in net7 and waited at least 2 years Guaranteed net8 compatibility with wine on all platforms before changing net7 code to net8 I think using proton should correct this problem I also invite Unix users to sign this petition https://form.jotform.com/240362297964061 add winehq inssue https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56304
  6. new linux easy install with package https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex if you have problem just open issues here
  7. new linux easy install with package https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex if you have problem just open issues here
  8. amidevous

    PKHeX on Linux

    new linux easy install with package https://bitbucket.org/amidevous/pkhex/ if you have problem just open issues here
  9. new linux easy install with package https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=home%3Aamidevousgmail%3Apkhex&package=pkhex https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/pull/4175
  10. please post file long term support url binary version PKHeX (23.09.16).zip build with net 7 latest version work with wine winetricks -q --force 'dotnetdesktop7' wine PKHeX.exe
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