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CoolEggs last won the day on February 24 2024

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  1. Admittedly... I'm not sure what could be happening. I am also running the newest wine-stable from homebrew, the newest PKHeX, and the same macOS as you, and mine runs perfectly fine. I worry that I've downloaded something in the past that's allowing this to work without me knowing.. You may want to try the wrapper that someone else was working on in this thread? That or download the exe file for the older version of PKHeX that was able to run with an earlier version of wine.
  2. Admittedly I'm not sure what could be going wrong as I've basically used a fresh install of wine to do this so I haven't changed anything not listed here... what macOS are you using?
  3. Have you tried just using wine and not wine64? And did you set the appropriate wine configurations mentioned earlier in this thread?
  4. Hmm... I would suggest using homebrew in the mac terminal (https://brew.sh/) and then run "brew install wine-stable" (without quotes). That way you wouldn't have to build anything from their github. After it installs, run "winecfg" and change the OS to use "Windows 7" (as that seems to fix the weird popup errors we had been getting so far). You could also try the wrapper originally posted in this thread, I'm just unfamiliar with how those work.
  5. I can try and help - but first a few questions. What happens when you try and run it? How did you download wine-stable 9.0? Lastly, what OS are you using?
  6. Awesome, that just fixed it for me too! I never would've expected setting the windows version to an earlier version would fix this issue haha.
  7. Looks like wine-stable just updated to version 9.0 - this seems to run the newest version of PKHeX perfectly! The days of older versions/wrappers are over haha Edit: Well.. it seems to crash every time I hit "File", so maybe we continue with these other fixes for now.. Edit 2: As Hau pointed out in a later post, if you set your windows version to Windows 7.0 in `winecfg`, then running the newest PKHeX works perfectly with wine-9.0!
  8. I haven’t gotten that error before, but we’ve all been having trouble running that installer or using .NET 7 in some fashion. That’s why in my steps I built a release of PKHeX that used .NET 4.6, so you don’t need to run that installer. It seemed that my wine environment already had that runtime installed, so all I had to do was run PKHeX.
  9. Ah - I had not realized there was a github repo for the project! I see that there is a version (22.12.18) that uses .NET 4.6, which is definitely usable with wine! https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/releases/tag/22.12.18 I've tried this and it works perfectly! I had to compile the project on a Windows machine, but now the executable can be run with wine-stable. These instructions will be for macOS. 1. Open the Terminal application. Type "brew install wine-stable". (If you do not have homebrew, check out how to do it here! https://docs.brew.sh/Installation) 2. Download the .EXE file for PKHeX 22.12.18 here (I've attached it to this post). If that makes you nervous, download Visual Studio Code on any Windows machine and follow these instructions. Make sure you're building a "Release" version and you're building the 22.12.18 release I linked above! 3. Go into your Finder, find the PKHeX.exe and Right Click -> Open With -> Wine Stable! It should work perfectly now. (Note that this is an older version of PKHeX, so it's missing the newer updates and additions to the app.) PKHeX.exe
  10. Yup - unfortunately now you're at the point where I'm stuck. This process works in "wine-crossover" as I mentioned in an earlier post (the .NET installer loads and everything!) but then nothing actually operates properly. The reason wine-crossover doesn't work may be because it's not using Wine 8.0 (like wine-stable) which can run .NET 7, so we're sort of stuck unless we can get either to work.
  11. I can help with that one - you need to use "wine64 /path/to/windowsdesktop-runtime-7.0.11-win-x64.exe" to do it properly just as you said. As far as the verification, you need to find the file itself in the file browser and Right Click > Open With > wine-stable and when the popup shows up hit "Open". (If that option isn't there, hit cancel a few times and try it again.)
  12. I've just attempted this by downloading wine-stable and then trying to run the runtime installer, but nothing happens. I get a lot of text with warnings, which seems to be normal, and then nothing happens and nothing is running. Trying to run PKHeX results in an even longer error screen ending with a complain that the .NET application failed. What do you see when you run these things? Is this with a fresh install of wine-stable, or did you make configuration changes to get this to work?
  13. For that issue, I'd use wine64 PKHeX.exe since wine defaults to 32-bit applications, even though MacOS doesn't support that anymore. Separately, I found that the installation of .NET 7 only worked with wine-crossover, and not wine. But then when I use it with PKHeX, I get a "fatal non-UI error". Not sure if anyone has been able to get around this. Edit: It seems that the error likely comes from the fact that wine-crossover uses Wine 7.7, and likely cannot use the .NET 7 properly. So if anyone has advice on how to get wine-stable working properly, let me know!
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