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  1. I am having the worst time locating them, and all the tutorials online are mids and assume you go from the tin tower directly to routes - which I sadly didnt do - Is their a way to set any flags or change anything so that they show up on my map as if I have seen them already so I can more easily track them? been trying for days, having a bad time lol trying to living dex this, but these archaic mechanics are tough! ty for any direction!
  2. Hello! I found out that some stuff is weirdly not in crystal, Anyone here by chance have a save with a living dex in the boxes? Would be useful for sending over the few things not in crystal! Need it to be in the format for 3ds virtual console pretty please! (i seen there is a converter tool, my only pc is a macbook, so cant use)
  3. TYSM! I am living dexing blue but dont wanna do red for the version exclusives lol wanted to load the boxes up and trade them as i have two consoles xD
  4. neat! But this is to migrate up, I dont wanna have them all be shiny xD you by chance got one without them being shiny?
  5. I got this and moved it over with checkpoint - the boxes are all empty besides box 8 and the party, Is there a fix or anything perhaps?
  6. I seen and tried this badlad, but the boxes are empty when I load the save with checkpoint for whatever reason! Does anyone have a save with everything? I wanna send the version exclusives and the like over to my Blue playthrough, as I am working on a living dex, Thanks for any guidance!
  7. I have been playing and enjoying black 1 and now 2, But for whatever reason, Team Plasmas frigate isn't appearing for me whatsoever after a win in PWT, Just doesnt appear at the dock by pwt, and bianca is blocking the path in chargestone cave - Is there any ways to fix this? I am down to using third party tools as I have a way to dump my save from the cartridge as I have a homebrewed 3ds, If anyone has any idea what to do to make the team plasma frigate appear, please let me know!
  8. I tried other wine port things posted elsewere, and they all have issues preventing full functionality, Does anyone has a fully working winep ackaged copy of pkhex on latest update? sorry for my phrasing, am sstill learning!
  9. Yooo so it works fine after I verify, But when I replace the exe with newest it breaks it and gives me this error message - Any idea on fix? Have a 2015 macbook pro
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