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  1. From: https://gamerant.com/pokemon-home-shiny-enamorus-manaphy-how-to-get-legends-arceus-gen-8/ Surprised they weren't on here already.
  2. can delete
  3. So, when using my Japanese R/G/B and G/S/C, I use the Encounter database to find certain Pokemon for the game. However, I keep getting the below error. Is there a way for PKHeX to realize, "hey, that's a Japanese game" and stop giving English-only encounters/events in the database?
  4. I am looking for the Shogakukan Annual Event Celebi. Info on it can be found here. Can't seem to find Japanese event Pokemon here...
  5. Awesome. I love hearing backstory into people's lives.
  6. Still not posted?
  7. Question: Your OT (Original Trainer Name) on the SAV is "Nick". I saw the box full of Tauros and thought, "are these just cloned/genned, lol?" but they seem legitimate, which got me to slightly grin that you (or a friend?) spent time doing that. Anyway, I noticed all those Tauros had the OT of "RED". Was that a sibling/friend, or you on a different cartridge? And in Box 10, I noticed the starters have an OT of "BLUE". Same question: Was that a sibling/friend, or you on a different cartridge? Noticed 3 Master Balls in the Bag as well, so for benefit of the doubt's sake, I'll assume friends/you on another cartridge traded them here, haha? If in the U.S., this Mew had to have been gotten from December 8th through the 12th, 1999. Pretty darn cool since you (in a general sense) had to jump through slight hoops to get this Mew by mailing stuff in, etc. I also assume "Sharon" and "JIM" were friends/siblings? Cool stuff. Side note: Just waiting for Staff/reputable person(s) to confirm the Mew legitimacy for all.
  8. EDIT 23.5hrs later: Lame. Thought this community of any would've hopped on the research train for something cool like this. Anyway, I found the source and there's actually as Lugia sticker too. It is from the "Pokemon Gold and Silver Strongest Scenario Clear Adventure Guidebook" that was, obviously, only released in Japan. Added some more photos, besides the GameBoy showing the Ho-Oh sticker that I initially included. Original Post below: Cannot find anything online about it. Attached a photo of the sticker. I have been finding really cool stuff regarding GameBoy's in general from back in the day but I cannot seem to find much online about any of it. Any help appreciated.
  9. Wait, what? Anytime I've done edits, I do, for example: =Box=1 .OriginalTrainerName= .TID= .SID= And then I quickly backspace the "1," make it a "2," then press Tab or whatever to submit it and do that for every box. What I posted above does all Pokémon in one box, but I want all boxes.
  10. How can I modify all boxes (or multiple boxes) at once?
  11. I tried using that tool the other day, but no idea how to get an initial seed and all that. I saw a guide but couldn't figure it out in the limited time I had.
  12. Ohhhh. So a Pokémon could be edited how you want, but then if you put it in Home and were to take it back out, you can't edit it anymore without making it illegal/illegitimate?
  13. Referencing this post, since yet again, I cannot reply directly there. @theSLAYER Regarding footnote 3: So, how would this work with Eggs? Like, if I had a starter Pokémon as an Egg, modified its stats and all that to be perfect, then hatched it in-game, would it still be 100% legal/legitimate? Since at that point, the Egg is legitimately hatching and getting values from the game itself when hatched.
  14. So, how would this work with Eggs? Like, if I had a starter Pokémon as an Egg, modified its stats and all that to be perfect, then hatched it in-game, would it still be 100% legal/legitimate? Since at that point, the Egg is legitimately hatching and getting values from the game itself when hatched.
  15. Oh wow; so basically, still do everything actually legitimately and not use PKHeX to change anything, based on that link you shared (3rd footnote).
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