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  Gowon said:
Trying my hands on UU and it's been alright. Here's the team I'm currently using. I've gotten some wins and loses, but I feel that the wins are from 'scrub' players. I'm using the team to play on any tier except uber. So here they are:


Mesprit @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP/46 Def/160 SAtk/50 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Stealth Rock

- U-turn

- Psychic

- Thunderbolt

>>Using Mespirit as a 'bulky' lead.



Mesprit is great bulky lead just watch out for ambipom with payback. However registeel can deal with that, so long as ambipom doesn't have low kick.

  Gowon said:


Registeel @ Leftovers

Ability: Clear Body

EVs: 252 HP/100 Atk/156 SDef

Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Thunder Wave

- Earthquake

- Seismic Toss

- Explosion

>>To support Mespirit with those bug/ghost/dark attacks. It's been working alright for now.


This is completely wallled by mismagius, though you can cripple it with Twave. However, looking at the team thus far, Mismagius w/ nasty plot and a subistute will be a big problem for this team...

  Gowon said:


Lanturn (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Volt Absorb

EVs: 40 HP/44 Def/172 SAtk/252 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Surf/Confuse Ray

- Discharge

- Ice Beam/Confuse ray/ charge beam

- Heal Bell/Substitute

>>Decided to go with Heal Bell cause I thought about having a status healer just incase. Also, to absorb some SATK and throw some back at the opponent.


... So I recommend some parafusion on this lanturn set to screw around with speedy special attackers. The reason you could go for substitute is because toxic is negated by registeel, while twave is already negated by lanturn and claydol, and alakazam doesn't mind being burnt. With substitute you could run confuse ray/ Discharge/ Surf (or ice beam) for parafusion and general annoyance. Or you could lose confuse ray for charge beam to get a surprisingly strong sweeper out of lanturn. However Parafusion is more reliable IMO. Surf is generally better due to STAB, just watch out for altaria ... though if it is a Ddance varient confusion will hurt it ALOT :).

  Gowon said:


Alakazam (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Synchronize

EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk

Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Encore

- Psychic

- Focus Blast

>>Usual makes an appearance late game. I try to Encore the right move so I can try and 'sweep' or set up.



Absol (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Super Luck

EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd

Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Sucker Punch

- Night Slash

- Stone Edge

>>LOL, I don't know what I was thinking with this one. I seemed like a good idea in my head at the time. The purpose was to use critical hits to my advantage. I currently have it equipped with Scope Lens. I can't seem to bring it in at the right time to set up, but I'm sure it could do some damage.


Now I'll rate these two together concidering these are you physical and special sweepers. Something to always remember is that you want sweepers to complement each other, in terms of coverage and resistances. These two both share a bug weakness, so scyther is going to destroy these two straight away, claydol won't last long, brick break at +2 is going to destroy Regi, bug bite kills mespirit and lanturn won't be able to switch in and survive either.

However, if you had two sweepers that complemented each other perfectly (and a revenge killer ... I might suggest removing claydol in place of a revenge killer as having 3 pokemon weak to bug and dark is really quite bad... plus you don't need to spin rocks away as it doesn't hurt your team too bad.) So, pokemon that work well with alakazam are - Arcanine, Blaziken (who could run a scarf set and become a mixed revenge killer),_most fire types_, Hitmonlee, Hariyama, _Most Fighting types_, Scyther, Aggron (I recommend this actually, with Rock polish. As Aggron resists everything Alakazam is weak to).

Absol - Mismagius works really well, she resists what he can't stand and vice versa, plus you would gain an extra ground immunity for Lanturn and registeel. Scyther resists fighting and bug for absol, though that's another physical sweeper so not much help. Altaria and Nidoking can both run mixed sets and can switch into absol's weaknesses (altaria also takes statuses thanks to Natural cure, while nidoking can absorb toxic spikes), Moltres can be a beast and also resists absol's weaknesses.

So it it's up to you really there are a lot of options. Personally I prefer absol. It's got more power thanks to swords dance, and can really mess teams up with Sucker Punch.

Absol also loves paralysis support, so more reason for discharge on Lanturn.

  Gowon said:


Claydol @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP/144 Def/112 SAtk

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Rapid Spin

- Explosion

- Earth Power

- Toxic/Shadow Ball

>>Basic spinner with Toxic to try and stall a bit.


The decision to keep claydol is based on whether or not you find yourself using it enough to take up a spot on the team, and if you decide to change one of your sweepers, as if you bring in someone weak to rocks then you will need to keep Claydol. I personally prefer donphan as a rapid spinner, and it could be good on this team as you lack physical power over all on the team.

However if you opt for a non rock weak pokemon, then I recommend a revenge killer on the team. But again this is situational on the sweepers you use. Choice band Blaziken could work with a Absol + Magius combo, as could a choice band sneasel. Blaziken is weak to psychic which absol is immune to, and absol has the lovely sucker punch to take psychic pokes down. Sneasle is weak to fighting and fire, Magius is immune to fighting attacks, and also boasts a nice special defence to take fire attacks.

Choice scarf Kingler (which I may use actually as I have never thought of it before xD) will work well Absol and Moltres, as would choice band dugrtrio (for the electric attacks - though you share a water weakness :/) and choice scarf nidoking.

Erm.. as you can see there are a lot of options, so just play around a bit and see if you can come up with a nice configuration of pokes that can all safely switch in on the others' weaknesses.

Personally, I have always like Absol/Mismagius/Sneasel - For this though you may have to go for a fast taunt lead to stop rocks getting set up.


I like them, I can't imagine I would run anything different. I might put a little bit of speed on mespirit, however. 124 EV's in speed gets the jump on untouched (neutral nature no EV investment) base 95s (such as Drapion who can run taunt and shut down your lead - but you should be Uturning out of him anyway.) However, given the natural bulk, and the fact that 124 is quite a huge chunk, for really quite a small problem your configuration at the moment should work better anyway.


For parafusion should I switch Discharge with Twave or is the 30% chance of paralysis good enough to get the job done?

  Gowon said:
For parafusion should I switch Discharge with Twave or is the 30% chance of paralysis good enough to get the job done?

Most people will tell you Twave is better but I prefer Discharge. I guess it's just down to preference.


Having problems with Absol not OHKO certain PK. ie. Superpower on Scizor is left with around 7-10% HP. Even Gallade won't get OHKO. Absol is Adament with Scarf

  Gowon said:
Having problems with Absol not OHKO certain PK. ie. Superpower on Scizor is left with around 7-10% HP. Even Gallade won't get OHKO. Absol is Adament with Scarf

Scarfed absol isn't great :/

Swords dance works a lot better, +2 superpower will OHKO Scizor, and +2 Sucker punch will OHKO Gallade. I usually run Swords dance/ Sucker Punch/ Super Power/ Psycho Cut (or megahorn or night slash).

You could even run Swords Dance/Sucker Punch/ Psycho Cut/ Fire Blast, so that Forrestress and Skarmory don't ruin your sweep. I think that would require 64 SpAtk EVs with either Lonely/Hast/Naive Nature


I was thinking about Swords Dance Absol, but was worried about the speed. My 3 Sweepers/Attackers are Mismagius, Absol and Blaziken.

Mismagius @ Modest/Leftovers

252 spd/252 satk

Nasty Plot


Shawdow Ball

Energy Ball

Absol @ Adament/Choice Scarf

252 atk/ 252spd

Psycho Cut



Night Slash

Blaziken @ Mild/Life Ord

252 spd/ 252 satk


Fire Blast

Focus Blast

Hidden Power Grass

Is that any good? I tried Rock Polish Aggron, but I'd got too many PK that's weak to Ground/Fighting

  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to move on to NU because I wasn't doing too hot with my UU team. This NU team so far has been good. I've won 10/10 battles that I used it in against mostly OU teams.


Cacturne (M) @ Focus Sash

Ability: Sand Veil

EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SDef

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Spikes

- Encore

- Sucker Punch

- Protect

>> Went with the lead spiker here wanting some entry hazards support. It does its job most of the time setting up at least 2 spikes.



Regigigas @ Leftovers

Ability: Slow Start

EVs: 252 HP/180 Def/76 SDef

Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Knock Off

- Thunder Wave

- Return

- Earthquake

>> Physical wall so I can take advantage of the slow start. Also, try and spread PAR across the opponents team.



Gastrodon (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Sticky Hold

EVs: 212 HP/240 Def/56 SAtk

Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Counter

- Recover

- Surf

- Ice Beam

>> Bulky set here with counter. Counter is awesome plus recover.



Mantine (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Water Absorb

EVs: 252 HP/4 Spd/252 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Hidden Power [Flying]

- Ice Beam

- Toxic

- Hydro Pump

>> My special wall with some nice immunities except for the 4x electric. Other than that I bring it in to force a switch.



Espeon (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Synchronize

EVs: 252 Spd/252 SAtk/4 SDef

Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Shadow Ball

- Calm Mind

- Hidden Power [Fighting]

- Psychic

>> My special attacker with Calm Mind. This usual forces a switch so I put up a Calm Mind and hopefully start sweeping.



Entei @ Choice Band

Ability: Pressure

EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Fire Fang

- Stone Edge

- Return

- Iron Head

>> Choiced attacker for this one. Requires a lot of guess work so I usual go with Iron head or Return when they switch.


How does the team look? I've ran into some big problems in some battles, but somehow still pull off a win.

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