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  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
@ Kalarm:

You must use the Male Modest code on your Togetic. For some Pokémon, the Nature Modifier will have the reverse effect.

A perfect example is your Togetic. For some strange reason, when you use the Female Nature codes, it will have the opposite effect and will only work on Male Togetic's. The Male Nature codes will have the opposite effect and will only work on Female Togetic's.

I tried both already :(.


@ Kalarm:

Use this version!

Modest Nature Modifier: Press Select

Box 1 Slot 1

  Reveal hidden contents
  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
@ Kalarm:

Use this version!

Modest Nature Modifier: Press Select

Box 1 Slot 1

  Reveal hidden contents

Did not work either :(. Works for every other pokemon tho.

Did they do something special with togepi/togetic or what? :(


Actually, I just tried both codes on my numerous togepi, and they... do not work either. Both the male and female. The few females I had turn into male tho.

Correction, it works on some, and doesn't work on some others.


Are you using multiple codes with the Nature Modifier? Try using the Nature Modifier alone.

I really don't know what is happening to you because I know for a fact that the Nature Modifier works for my Male and Female Togepi's that I received from Mr.Pokémon.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Are you using multiple codes with the Nature Modifier? Try using the Nature Modifier alone.

I really don't know what is happening to you because I know for a fact that the Nature Modifier works for my Male and Female Togepi's that I received from Mr.Pokémon.

No I did not. I just did a bigger post but I pressed the wrong button and lost it.

It works on some togepi, but not on others. It does not have a relation with the nasty plot I'm trying to give them as I was able to change to female some of the togepi with it, and many togepi without it (bred without any AR, just to get a female) were unable to switch to female.

I'm just gonna use a max happiness code and breed it with a ditto with everstone and modest nature.

Still, I wonder what they did in togepi coding that causes this.


It has nothing to do with the coding of the Togepi. Remember that every AR code has a side effect, you may not notice or may never notice it, but I think that one of the AR code you have used may have caused a side effect that is causing your Togepi problems.


Thanks for pointing me to this topic Rioula.

I have some questions regarding the IV modifier.

Works (yay!) but the values I assigned did not match the same number when i viewed them in game.

I used







and in game the IV's were:

Att: 5

Def: 7

Sp. Atk: 17

Sp. Def: 17

Speed: 16

Aren't they supposed to be the same number as I entered in the above strings?

  BananaMan14 said:
The Values you entered are decimal, they need to be hexdecimal.

Here you go.







Oh duh, thanks dude. Works now :]


hey all

just wondering if there's an All Key Item code that works on this thread yet i've been through all seven pages and didnt see anything im using HG US version so if someone does post one for that specific region thanks alot

oh im on a limited internet access :( so if i dont reply back it doesn't mean im ignoring the post


Scenario Item v1 (USED AT OWN RISK) [select+Up]

  Reveal hidden contents

Scenario Item v2 (USED AT OWN RISK) [select+Up]

  Reveal hidden contents

The first code gives you all Key Items, the second one is safer as it does not give important items such as Machine Part.


hey M@T

thanks alot ill use the second one there's no point in using the first one if the scenario's are set into the game

i might need it though incase i miss something later on anyway thanks again

oh why is there (USED AT OWN RISK) will this change the game in anyway like make all the events optionable at the same time or something i dont get why you cant just have the key items and when you get to an event it activates and then you move on to the next part of the game


You all seem to have a time celebi redo, can you make a code that gives you the event celebi?

Extra requests:arceus event redo, get pikachu colored pichu (english game card)

thank you!!!!!!

  RavenX said:
oh why is there (USED AT OWN RISK) will this change the game in anyway like make all the events optionable at the same time or something i dont get why you cant just have the key items and when you get to an event it activates and then you move on to the next part of the game

Please use punctuation in your sentences, you'll make me die reading your posts. :bidoof:

The original code had "(USED AT OWN RISK)", so I kept it.


ok idk if it was already posted in this thing but does anyone have a shiny code that will make wild pokemon caught/eggs hatched become shiny and if caught shiny will stay shiny even after code is off not just to appear shiny while code is on and then go back to normal, which means this code will only be for catchable/hatchable pokes not other trainer pokes.

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