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hey, i'm getting impatient with a code I found for TM's only for the US versions of HG SS, and it's not working. Does anyone have a different one? Here's the original:

::TM Only

:::Use it at your own risk! Don't complain if it messes your game

~~use this code, then do not look at the list, instead save your game then shut off, and remove the AR, restart your game and all the TMs will be there~~

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 0000005B

D6000000 000009B0

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

Someone on wikianswer.com posted this.

  180213 said:
I'm new and How do you do spoilers on this?

Please stop asking on how to create Spoilers. You are constintly asking how to create them and it's getting quite annoying.

To create Spoilers, do as follow.

Delete the * by tapping the Baackspace Key on your Keyboard.

  Reveal hidden contents
  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Please stop asking on how to create Spoilers. You are constintly asking how to create them and it's getting quite annoying.

To create Spoilers, do as follow.

Delete the * by tapping the Baackspace Key on your Keyboard.

  Reveal hidden contents

How do you activate it? select+up? or L+R? thank you very much btw.


Requests for codes:

-US TRU Arceus (from pokemart)

-US GAMESTP Pichu that activates event (from pokemart)

-Phione from Pokemon Ranch (USA)

-Wonder Guard Spiritomb - everything about it is legit, only difference is that that its ability is Wonder Guard, not shiny

ALSO the nature modifier where you mark the pokemon in the PC (like the one i posted and on page 5) for genderless and legendary pokemon and

-can you make the win streak for the single record battle factory/castle/hall 49 (as current and record win streak) and single record battle hall 170 (as current and record win streak) similar to the code that makes the battle tower record 105 (code below)?

ex: Instant 105 Battle Tower Wins: Press Select

94000130 FFFB0000 021D2AFC 00690069 D2000000 00000000

can you make a code for Instant 49 Battle Factory, Castle and Hall Wins (current and record win streak): press select and

Instant 170 Single Record Battle Hall Wins (current and record win streak): press select

if you can make/get these codes I would very much appreciate it

can you also email me the codes when finished, thanks


Hey, I'm looking for a little help to make an AR code, because I don't fully understand the DS code format. I want to make this code:

Cherrygrove Pokemart - 1st Item Modify

94000130 fff70000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

1002dec0 00000192

d2000000 00000000

copy the value from a specific address like this code:

TM17 Modify

94000130 fcff0000

b2111880 00000000

10000656 000001d3

d2000000 00000000

94000130 feff0000

b2111880 00000000

da000000 00000656

d3000000 00000000

d7000000 021000ec

d2000000 00000000

So basically, I want to be able to increase the quantity of the first item in the bag, then use a joker to copy that address data to the value used for the Pokemart modify. I think all I need to do is change the second value in the D7 line, since this is the address that the code copies data to. I tried just putting in 1002dec0 and 0002dec0, since I thought that was the Pokemart item address, but it doesn't work. Can someone help me out or explain what I'm doing wrong?

  infmslegendkid said:
@Shadow_Dragon you press Select to activate the code

well, I tried select+up, and L+R, but just pushing select alone didn't do anything. does it have anything to do with the fact that I'm using an AR DSi?

  Shadow_Dragon said:
well, I tried select+up, and L+R, but just pushing select alone didn't do anything. does it have anything to do with the fact that I'm using an AR DSi?

::TM Only: Press Select

94000130 FFFB0000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 0000005B

D7000000 000009B4

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

::TM Only v2: Press Select

94000130 FFFB0000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 0000005B

D6000000 000009B4

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
::TM Only: Press Select

94000130 FFFB0000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 0000005B

D7000000 000009B4

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

::TM Only v2: Press Select

94000130 FFFB0000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 0000005B

D6000000 000009B4

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

Thanks soooooo much Riolu! I'll try this later when I get a chance.


Okay, I got it right, I just needed to tweak the code a little bit. Here's my TM's Only code:

  Reveal hidden contents
  Shadow_Dragon said:
Okay, I got it right, I just needed to tweak the code a little bit. Here's my TM's Only code:
  Reveal hidden contents

This is the original code.


Props to everybody that has been working on these codes, and thanks for staying active Riolu. Seriously. lots of help. :grog:

I was wondering if there is a recent fixed code for battling random pokemon in tall grass. There is the codes where you can have a set amount of masterballs or ultraballs and hold L or R and get that given pokemon, but i was wondering if there is another code for finding random pokemon anywhere in tall grass (or anywhere where pokemon is findable)

I had typed one in, and i wasnt sure if it was working or not, all other codes worked but that one didnt. Wasnt sure it was was conflicting with other codes, or i just lost the ability to use to code O.o or it just was for DSi. i dunno. But can ya help me Rioulu?

if this was posted earlier i apologise. i have read through 60 pages or so..and im getting eye strained

  Distract said:
Props to everybody that has been working on these codes, and thanks for staying active Riolu. Seriously. lots of help. :grog:

I was wondering if there is a recent fixed code for battling random pokemon in tall grass. There is the codes where you can have a set amount of masterballs or ultraballs and hold L or R and get that given pokemon, but i was wondering if there is another code for finding random pokemon anywhere in tall grass (or anywhere where pokemon is findable)

I had typed one in, and i wasnt sure if it was working or not, all other codes worked but that one didnt. Wasnt sure it was was conflicting with other codes, or i just lost the ability to use to code O.o or it just was for DSi. i dunno. But can ya help me Rioulu?

if this was posted earlier i apologise. i have read through 60 pages or so..and im getting eye strained

If you can post the code you are using, then it would help me a lot more.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
This is the original code.

sorry, I finally figured out that I just needed to use it alone without any other codes on at the same time, then I got it. Sorry for the trouble.


:Random Pokemon Encounters

:::Wild Pokemon you encounter while in tall grass are completely random. It can

range from 1 to 493.

DB000000 021D15A8


D4000000 00000100

D0000000 00000000

D7000000 022186D4

D2000000 00000000



DA000000 022186D4

B2111880 00000000

C0000000 00000027

D7000000 00025A68

D2000000 00000000

Thats the code i was using, thanks Riolu. :< i found a riolu doll at a store and i didnt have money to buy it, so a week later i came back to buy it...it was sold...sad day

thanks again


i can but i need A) your palpad number and B) i should tell you now before you end up sad that multitype on charizard does not actually change the type this fails but its just a changed ability that makes it appear more hacked than it already is at that point, if you would prefer a new ability since that one doesn't help you just PM me the new ability along with the palpad code... also if you want any particular moves on it let me know. :)

PS... This is not the Thread you should be posting this request on, not that i'm a person of authority or anything but if someone does happen to spot you putting requests like that in the wrong threads it will lead to an infraction.... Just trying to help save you some trouble not trying to be mean....


Hey Riolu, love ur thread it's helped me so much. I have a question. Is there a code that can change the caught status of a pokemon into my own? For example, say I trade my friend for his Gallade, is there a code that can change the Gallade's information into my own so it will have my trainer ID and the place where I caught it?

Sorry if there already is a code like this, but any help would be greatly appreciated.


  Gr8trainer said:
Hey Riolu, love ur thread it's helped me so much. I have a question. Is there a code that can change the caught status of a pokemon into my own? For example, say I trade my friend for his Gallade, is there a code that can change the Gallade's information into my own so it will have my trainer ID and the place where I caught it?

Sorry if there already is a code like this, but any help would be greatly appreciated.


Nope sorry, this kind of editing is best used with Pokegen. You can find Pokegen in the Pokegen Forum.


I want to thank you Riolu for gathering so many useful codes in 1 place. They have helped me with my breeding and creating my Battle Revolution teams the way i want them without the massive hours involved to breed and EV train without them. But with that i would like to ask if u have a code that could reduce exp gained from battles to 0. that way i can EV train from 99 to 100 and not have to worry about accidentally leveling too early.


a couple of things id like to clear up....

for those who think that using an ARDSI is a code problem......it isn't any code that works on the regular Ar will work on ARDSI

  Trell said:
I want to thank you Riolu for gathering so many useful codes in 1 place. They have helped me with my breeding and creating my Battle Revolution teams the way i want them without the massive hours involved to breed and EV train without them. But with that i would like to ask if u have a code that could reduce exp gained from battles to 0. that way i can EV train from 99 to 100 and not have to worry about accidentally leveling too early.

You can EV train even after ur pokemon has reached level 100 ur pokemon may not gain exp. but it will still gain EVs until the limit of 510 is reached I have personally tesed this theory myself on heartgold i had a Garchomp that was able to get 2 extra EVs and I battle a Pokemon for 2 Defense EVs to check the EV availability with the code EV/IV checker L or R

long time no hear from me huh? if you need help with codes i have a lot of codes for HGSS if I don't have the code I will look it up for you

  Fusion said:
a couple of things id like to clear up....

for those who think that using an ARDSI is a code problem......it isn't any code that works on the regular Ar will work on ARDSI

You can EV train even after ur pokemon has reached level 100 ur pokemon may not gain exp. but it will still gain EVs until the limit of 510 is reached I have personally tesed this theory myself on heartgold i had a Garchomp that was able to get 2 extra EVs and I battle a Pokemon for 2 Defense EVs to check the EV availability with the code EV/IV checker L or R

long time no hear from me huh? if you need help with codes i have a lot of codes for HGSS if I don't have the code I will look it up for you

Good to hear from you again. Sure, any help is greatly welcome.

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