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Does anyone have a code that removes stat decrease from attacks? I want to teach my Porygon-Z Leaf Storm & I don't want its stats to decrease. And how about a code that removes attack success rate decreasing?

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i don't think there is a code like that but try using the 999 max item code and do it for white herb

note:the white herb only works once per battle and will be gone after the battle unless you are in the battle frontier or battling a friend


Hey thank you Riolu for the codes, but I have one question about the Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier code. It doesn't seem to work, when I set it on any nature and go out and try to catch some Pokemon with that nature, their nature is always Timid. It's sort of annoying, if you have any advice I'd appreciate it. Thank you in advance.


Thanks, now I got to find out which code messes it up because I'm trying to make a Shiny Charizard with 31 IVs in Health with Modest nature. Thanks man.


actually you can get that shiny charizard just catch it.turn off the modifier code and use the marking shiny code(only use the marking shiny code)

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
The Fast Egg Hatch only works with certain codes. The reason why its not working is because you have a code that is activated that does not allow the Fast Egg Hatch to work.

Is that the same situation with the Safari Zone codes? I can't get them to work. I haven't done the second test yet though for the Safari Zone, so I don't know if that's the reason. However, the warden hasn't called me yet for the second test and it's been forever since the last test have beaten the game, gotten all 16 badges, battled Red, and re-battled the Elite 4. Not sure what's going on.


Riolu, you wouldn't happen to know where i could find a complete list of AR codes for event pokemon?? I've searched google and find a few but not what i was after. If anyone wants the codes, I wouldn't mind posting n.n

Any help or a place to start would be appreciated n.n


i dont understand how to use you custom ev modifier i press L+R and i get 256 of each vitamin then i disspose of how many? & when do you press select to activate it?


Ok, I am having a problem with the Event Pokemon-the Crown Beasts, Celebi & the like, the problem is that after I activate the code and it being the only active code, the game loads and then the screen just stays white and then once I un-activate it it works just fine.


Hello, I would like to know if you could create a code that resets the pal pad. This is because my version of HG won't let my check pal pad codes after I have inputted them.



Can you please make the crown beast codes for pokemon pearl. i'm desperate. im hypathetically on my knees begging. If you could that would be so awesome of you


Sorry if this is a dumb question. I know that pokemon hatched from an egg is recorded on your pokedex, but the ones that just appear in your box through AR codes don't record right? Is there a way to get them recorded on your pokedex? Thanks.


I don't think so because the game wouldn't register the data that way. Only through trading it would as far as i know.

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