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  Death Bringer said:
oh and where do i pick it up? the green man, computer, or does it replace a pokemon in my party?

The code is for an english speaking game, it's the actual japanese event ripped straight from a wonder card, and you pick it up from the green dude :D


do you also know about those three movie 13 beast codes riolu posted earlier? im just wondering if they are in japanese and every one of them works. oh and i have a goons scizor code that gives me a scizor with everything correct, but its in english. i was just wondering if its japanese name translates to scizor and if its japanese ot translates to goon.just so i know it will be legit.

  Death Bringer said:
do you also know about those three movie 13 beast codes riolu posted earlier? im just wondering if they are in japanese and every one of them works. oh and i have a goons scizor code that gives me a scizor with everything correct, but its in english. i was just wondering if its japanese name translates to scizor and if its japanese ot translates to goon.just so i know it will be legit.

If it's a japaneze event the name will be in japanese characters.

I can certainly test the crown beasts for you, however.


ok i just need two more codes for my game. i need both a working code that allows me to use my bag in the battle fronteir and wifi battles, and i need a code that allows me to catch trainers pokemon in the game and wifi battles. i saw this combo on supercheats that said with both those cheats active i could catch peoples pokemon in wifi battles but in reality it would just make a clone of that pokemon and send it to my pc. think you could make those two codes for me?

  .:Thomas:. said:
Can anyone make the current event celebi to be picked up @ the pokemart?

L+R to activate, pick up at the mart

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hey again. i tried the ash's pikachu code you made yesterday and it didnt work. everytime i tried it id select my file and it would restart the intro to the game and then id select my file again and when i pressed l and r there would be no one in the market.can you help me out?


riolu are you done with the code and if you can you don't have to though can you make a code that ever time a pokemon grows a lv. they always get +20 attack?


hey Tbird I entered your Celebi and your Pikachu event codes and when I select my game save it just restarts the game, then once I do get into the game the L+R does not work. I have been waiting for awhile to finally get those codes so that I do pick them up from the green man just like the actual event, because I want it to be as close to legit as it can be.

I have no idea what lines to change or anything because I am quite new to the scene, so if you could please help that would be wonderful.



Ash (Satoshis) Pikachu: Press Select

Pick up via Pokémart

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Credits to Tbird!


Movie13 Celebi: Press Select

Pick up via Pokémart

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Credits to Tbird!

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