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Everything posted by diablosv95

  1. UltimateMew, I used both of Riolu's codes and they did not have The Severe Side Effect. I am also under the assumption that it happens when you activate the code, so you can use it at your own discretion. Riolu, What exactly in the code makes it have the Severe Side Effect? ( I am full of questions, sorry)
  2. Oh okay I see, sorry bout that I just got kinda worried when I saw the whole Severe Side Effect and it just didn't register. As long as my game file is safe and there isn't any possibility of corruption anymore it is all good. Thanks again
  3. What is the severe side effect? and is it possible that the side affect can happen after you have already obtained the pokemon?? I just have them sitting in my PC box at the moment.
  4. Thank you so much Riolu and Tbird, those codes for the Pikachu and Celebi work like a charm. You guys are all amazing here for all the work you do.
  5. hey Tbird I entered your Celebi and your Pikachu event codes and when I select my game save it just restarts the game, then once I do get into the game the L+R does not work. I have been waiting for awhile to finally get those codes so that I do pick them up from the green man just like the actual event, because I want it to be as close to legit as it can be. I have no idea what lines to change or anything because I am quite new to the scene, so if you could please help that would be wonderful. Thanks
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