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hi im new well ive been looking around at u riolu u are pretty AMAZING!!! well anyways i was wondering if there was a code to be able to change the ot of pokemon. i know it be hard but i cant find one anywhere so yeah id really appreciate it.

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  M@T said:

The risk isn't with the TMs, it's with the HMs: if a NPC gives you a HM while you already have it in your bag, the game freezes or something similar.

I activated the TM code and it deleted my HM's. I have all the HM's obtained legally, so should my game be fine if i were to use the all tm + hm code?

Another thing:

I'm breeding a pokemon to get an egg move, but i also want this hatched pokemon to have HP grass, i saw the code on the first page but i think thats only for wild, not hatched pokemon.

  Padawan said:
I activated the TM code and it deleted my HM's. I have all the HM's obtained legally, so should my game be fine if i were to use the all tm + hm code?

Another thing:

I'm breeding a pokemon to get an egg move, but i also want this hatched pokemon to have HP grass, i saw the code on the first page but i think thats only for wild, not hatched pokemon.

Which code is it? If it is the Hidden Power code, then yes it is for wild Pokémon, but you can use the IV Modifier code to get Hidden Power Grass.

The IV Modifier and the Hidden Power codes are the exact samething. The only difference is that the Hidden Power codes are for Wild Pokémon and the IV Modifier code is for Caught Pokémon.


[quote=Riolu Aura Sphere Now;81776

The IV Modifier and the Hidden Power codes are the exact samething. The only difference is that the Hidden Power codes are for Wild Pokémon and the IV Modifier code is for Caught Pokémon.

So if i were to take: (HP Grass)

1206e012 0000201e

1206e028 0000201f

1206e03e 0000201f

1206e054 0000201f

1206e06a 0000201e

1206e080 0000201f

and combine it with the IV modifier:

1206EE52 000002D6

1206F11E 000046C0

1206F126 000046C0

1206F12C 000046C0

1206F13A 000046C0

1206F140 000046C0

1206F14E 000046C0

1206F154 000046C0

1206F162 000046C0

1206F168 000046C0

1206F176 000046C0

1206F11A 000021XX

1206F130 000020XX

1206F144 000020XX

1206F158 000020XX

1206F16C 000020XX

1206F180 000020XX

I would replace the bottom 6 lines in both columns with the HP grass code, correct?

Also, the for some of the strings on the hp grass code it starts off as 1206e while in the iv modifier its 1206f, is this a problem?


Hidden Power Grass

Mark a Pokémon

  Reveal hidden contents

maybe a code that can change the OT and OT# to the right names and numbers by marking them ull pprobaly have to have multiple codes to do so.....oh and the abilitys of the pokemon are non-existant i effing hate that!!!!!!! maybe an ability modifier for that part?

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Hidden Power Grass

Mark a Pokémon

  Reveal hidden contents


  Padawan said:
I activated the TM code and it deleted my HM's. I have all the HM's obtained legally, so should my game be fine if i were to use the all tm + hm code?

Any opinion on this?

i just need it so that they are "100%" legit i hate the 00000 OT# and all of that crap

Here will this work for u. 1st pokemon in ur party. it is all messed up until u put it in ur pc. The only problem is the name isnt in japanese.

  Reveal hidden contents

Hope it helps :P


Well, you can this one. It will be in Box 10 Slot 3 instead of replacing your pokemon.

  Reveal hidden contents

ok now i have two issues.while i am grateful that u got a good code. i would like a code for all the event shiny legendary beasts and goons scizor....second issue is that the scizor OT says ash and in the movie it isnt ash's scizor,I would suggest that if ur using pokesav that u use copy and paste to put it in the text box from maybe well the project pokemon events section....if they have it.

again i hope im not being to picky or anythng I just would like some revisions to the code.


I was wondering if anyone has the Code for goon's scizor. As well as the code for the celebi that will unlock pkemon black and white events.

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