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What should I name the professor? (gender included)  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. What should I name the professor? (gender included)

    • Beech (M)
    • Poplar (M)
    • Aspen (M)
    • Willow (F)
    • Maple (F)
    • Ash (M) (This would be Ash Ketchum)

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Posted (edited)

This is the storyline of my new game: Pokemon Mystery Version (If you come up with a better name PM me) # is the name of the region (not decided yet) @ is the name of the professor (again not decided) Nacita is the main legendary and finally & is the bad team (name not decided) Pokedex entry for Nascita to come soon. If you have a name for anthing PM me and you will get a place in the credits.

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Edited by I-Like-Shiny-Pichu

Ok then this sounds like a cool story, but is this for GBA or DS, and are you making it alone. I mean I can't help but if you're looking for people to help you might want to advertise that too :). Also you mention 5 regions ... how are you doing that lol? and does that go to say there will be forty gyms :o?


After some thought I have decided to cut it down to four regions; Johto, Kanto, Hoenn and ??? (I still havent come up with a name lol) It is for GBA, I am nowhere near good enough at programming to make a DS one. I might include Sinnoh pokes somwhere in the game if I can figure out how, maybe an island that is kinda like Pal Park. And finally, yes I would love spme help, mapping two regions practicaly from scratch is a LOT harder than I thought it would be, especialy the events. Sooo, if anyone would like to help bring this idea to a reality please PM me. Thanks


Just a quick thought but is there a way to add new pokes to the pokedex (without getting rid of old ones) otherwise I will have to cut it down another region, which would really make the game pointless. If it is possible but requires lots of programming then would somone mind helping me. Thanks


I've been looking around for you dude and I can't find anything that would help with adding to the pokedex, just the aforementioned removal of pokemon already present in the the dex. I'm also not sure about how you're going to do it in any case as I think I've read that there is an assigned amount of memory to each aspect (the maps and 'dex) so it might be difficult to get passed that. However don't give up, wait for someone more informed to post or go see if there's any tutorials lying around deep within the pokecommunity forum ... Or try in the IRC.

Sorry I couldn't be more help :/.


Thanks for looking you can join the group I made, and I will put you in the credits. I might have to get rid of some old ones then, would anyone care if I swapped Deoxys for Nascita??? Then just have other regions pokemon throughout the region, it might work, provided as you say there is enough memory...


Thank you Riolu as you have given me an idea to add to the storyline, which is consistant with Luvdisc being missing and Nascita being there.

Here goes: The professor (name undecided - please vote!!!!) needs your help because Luvdisc have gone extinct and eggs have stopped appearing. The prof has heard of a pokemon that lives deep within _______ (insert name here) that is rumoured to have helped bring life to the world, Nascita... then storyline as (except sinnoh stuff) above.


This is interesting. But I can't be of much help since i dont have the technical knowhow. Sorry dude. Hope this project will work out. :)

EDIT: Btw, maybe you would want to start out with a smaller region first? Especially since it will be a GBA game. All the best man.

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