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Posted (edited)

I do not take any credit for these codes. I got these codes of a youtube video. have tried all the item codes and money they work. the rest i have not tried.

::Max Money (Select)

94000130 FFFB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000088 000F423F

D2000000 00000000

:item codes

::adventure items


94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000700 03DE7008

00000704 03DE0088

D5000000 03DE0046

C0000000 0000002A

D6000000 00000654

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE00D5

C0000000 00000072

D6000000 00000708

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

::healing items

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE0011

C0000000 00000025

D6000000 00000B74

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

::all PokeBalls

:::select up

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE0001

C0000000 0000000F

D6000000 00000D14

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE01EC

C0000000 00000006

D6000000 00000D54

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

::all tms

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 005A0148

C0000000 0000005B

D6000000 000009B0

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

::all berries

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE0095

C0000000 0000003F

D6000000 00000C14

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000


94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE0089

C0000000 0000000B

D6000000 00000B44

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

::battle items

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 03DE0037

C0000000 0000000E

D6000000 00000D74

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

::PKMN Can Learn All TM/HM

920722C6 0000D001

120722C6 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

::Quick Egg Hatch

12029318 000020FE

::Complete Pokegear/Radio Upgrade

:::select up

94000130 FFBB0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

2000BAF7 00000006

D2000000 00000000

::100% Catch (Fixed)

92247612 00002801

12247612 00004280

D2000000 00000000

9224670A 00002101

1224670A 00002100

D2000000 00000000

::Can Catch Trainer's Pokemon

9224670A 00002101

1224670A 00002100

D2000000 00000000

::Battle Wild Shining PKMN

5206E128 4284FE81

E2000108 00000060

021D15A8 41C64E6D

00006073 02111880

E92D40F0 E51F0010

E5900000 E1D018B4

E1D028B6 E0217002

E1A071A7 E51F1034

E51F2034 E51F3034

E5910000 E0243290

E0253294 E0246005

E1A069A6 E1560007

11A00004 1AFFFFF8

E5810000 E8BD80F0

1206E116 0000F792

E206E118 00000010

F7B1E800 1C05FE13

FE10F7B1 43050400

0206E128 E0001C28

D0000000 00000000

::exp x2

1206FADA 0000006C

1206FB2E 00002002

0206FB30 E03A4345

1206FB44 00008965

::exp x4

1206FADA 0000006C

1206FB2E 00002004

0206FB30 E03A4345

1206FB44 00008965

Edited by zeke23

EV / IV check code :

  Reveal hidden contents

Hover Code

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

10025E88 00000F0F

D2000000 00000000

Encounter Rate 0 (Hold B while Running in Grass)

94000130 FFFD0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

20024066 00000000

D2000000 00000000


94000130 FFFD0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

D5000000 00630148

C0000000 0000005B

D6000000 000009B0

D4000000 00000001

D2000000 00000000

* activate this one early in the game so that you wont have problems over writing the HMs later on

made this one myself


I pushed R and the 493 Masterballs and 100 Ultra Balls show up.

I try to push L and it just freezes.

Why does the Wild Pokemon Modifier freeze after you push L on the DS.

94000130 FEFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000D14 01ED0001

00000D18 00640002

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000D16

C0000000 00000027

D7000000 00025A68

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DB000000 00000D1A

C0000000 0000000B

D8000000 00025A5C

D2000000 00000000


Movement Codes Press R+B To activate, L+B to deactvate

94000130 FCFD0200

1205DAA2 00000200

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FCFD0100

1205DAA2 00001C20

D2000000 00000000


Hey I found almost all codes, here are them:

  Reveal hidden contents

Im still looking for the ''Speed x2'' code; makes your character to move way more faster than normal. Combining this one with the ''Increase Message Speed'', and putting the in-game options to fast makes this game totally fast :wink:.

If someone has the code I mentioned I would be very grateful.

Posted (edited)

Wild Pokemon Modifier(Hold or press select while on grass) *Revised

94000130 fffb0000

D5000000 00000XXX

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

c0000000 00000027

d7000000 00025a6C

D2000000 00000000

*Replace the XXX with the Dex Number of Pokemon in Hex format


Bulbasaur= 001

Chikorita= 098

Treecko= 0FC

Turtwig= 183

Wild Pokemon Level Modifier (hold seect while on grass)

94000130 fffb0000

D5000000 00000XXX

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

C0000000 0000000B

d7000000 00025a5C

D2000000 00000000

Replace the Value in hex Hex Format

*level 1=1

*level 63=99

Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier

Hardy - 1206E120 00002400

Lonely - 1206E120 00002401

Brave - 1206E120 00002402

Adamant - 1206E120 00002403

Naughty - 1206E120 00002404

Bold - 1206E120 00002405

Docile - 1206E120 00002406

Relaxed - 1206E120 00002407

Impish - 1206E120 00002408

Lax - 1206E120 00002409

Timid - 1206E120 0000240A

Hasty - 1206E120 0000240B

Serious - 1206E120 0000240C

Jolly - 1206E120 0000240D

Naive - 1206E120 0000240E

Modest - 1206E120 0000240F

Mild - 1206E120 00002410

Quite - 1206E120 00002411

Bashful - 1206E120 00002412

Rash - 1206E120 00002413

Calm - 1206E120 00002414

Gentle - 1206E120 00002415

Sassy - 1206E120 00002416

Careful - 1206E120 00002417

Quirky - 1206E120 00002418

Wild Pokemon Encounter Max IVs

1206E012 0000201F

1206E028 0000201F

1206E03E 0000201F

1206E054 0000201F

1206E06A 0000201F

1206E080 0000201F

I made this one myself

Edited by faospark
wrong code address

the modifier code does not work for me [heart gold], and i've triple checked the hex transformation.

could someone also post a code to unban legendaries from the battle frontier? thanks.


Has anyone had any luck with the ev modifier codes. when I start the came with one of them active the game stays on a white screen and wont load. ive double checked the codes but still cant get them to work. any ideas?

  icem1 said:
the modifier code does not work for me [heart gold], and i've triple checked the hex transformation.

could someone also post a code to unban legendaries from the battle frontier? thanks.

the wild pokemon modifier may need a couple of tries make sure to hold the select button while running in grass part, you may also tr to change the line D7000000 00025A6C toD7000000 00025A68 it also works.

  Dually said:
Is there any code to jack up the EXP modifier? I want like 100 or higher.

This is the x2 code.

1206FADA 0000006C

1206FB2E 00002002

0206FB30 E03A4345

1206FB44 00008965

Notice this line...

1206FB2E 00002002



Change the 2 at the end to whatever EXP multipler number you want to use. Make sure the multiplier value is in hexadecimal, of course. So if you want the multiplier to be 100, it would be 64.

...which would make the EXP x100 code

1206FADA 0000006C

1206FB2E 00002064

0206FB30 E03A4345

1206FB44 00008965

btw, if someone needs the All TM's + HM's code because they screwed up, here... it's long-ish.

  Reveal hidden contents
  faospark said:
Wild Pokemon Modifier(Hold or press select while on grass)

94000130 fffb0000

D5000000 00000XXX

B2111880 00000000

C0000000 0000000b

D7000000 00025A6C

Dc000000 00000006

D2000000 00000000

Replace the XXX with the Dex Number of Pokemon in Hex format


Bulbasaur= 001

Chikorita= 098

Treecko= 0FC

Turtwig= 183

I made this one myself

Hi, is there anyway you could please either post the hex format numbers of the Pokemon's pokedex numbers either here or send them to me in a PM or e-mail? I don't think I'll be able to get them all right if I tried it on my own without major help... *lol*

Posted (edited)
  jacket said:
Is there any cloning pokemon codes?i really nid one thanks!

and is there a pokesav available for US version of heartgold?

Yes there is a Pokemon Cloning code that's already out.

  Reveal hidden contents

There is a Pokesav for the US already.


Edited by FreeSpirit
Revised Instructions on the Code

the pokesv work but about the cloning codes do i have to use both L code and R code in order to clone i tried but it doesnt work

  jacket said:
the pokesv work but about the cloning codes do i have to use both L code and R code in order to clone i tried but it doesnt work

The codes above are for your preference. You pick one of the codes which is either the L Button version or the R Button version. So no you don't use the L and R code at once.

It worked perfectly on my SoulSilver game. Just go to your party. Select your Pokemon you want to clone. Then hold either button depending on the code you use and then select "switch". Then click on the Pokemon you want to switch with and clone over (it'll replace the pokemon you're swapping with) and then you release the button. Exit out of the party menu and go back to your party to see it cloned.


I found the same code for battle wild shiny pokemon on another site. . . but it didn't work when I encountered Entei. Is there a shiny code that will work on a ledgendary?

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