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Some requests and questions

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I really appreciate the video that explains the installation, but the tempo is a little fast and I miss things. Could you make it a video that can be stopped and rewound like a normal video?

Also, I installed a plugin, but is there a way to change the language? (Japanese, etc.)

Also, I select the tool from the reference and normalize it with legalize active pokemon, but can't I select it directly from the reference?

Is it possible to copy the Pokemon I sent to UMSM and send them to a previous work in a pseudo manner?

Also, when editing the save of BW, I would like you to fix the fact that some parts remain in English even when Japanese is selected. This is for editing the mysterious gift database and SAV. Also, it is difficult to understand that the event flag of the legendary Pokemon is not whether it has been caught but whether it has been battled, so I would like it to be separated by whether it has been caught. Also, I haven't progressed that far in the story, but it says that I have to battle Reshiram/Zekrom, is this a bug? Sorry for asking so many things. If it's convenient for you, please let me know.

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6 hours ago, 黒部k said:

I really appreciate the video that explains the installation, but the tempo is a little fast and I miss things. Could you make it a video that can be stopped and rewound like a normal video?

There's no official up to date video guide. PKHeX interface should be easy enough to use by trial and error.

6 hours ago, 黒部k said:

Also, I installed a plugin, but is there a way to change the language? (Japanese, etc.)

Plugins usually inherit their UI language from the PKHeX set language. Set the language you want on PKHeX and eventually restart the program, plugins language should follow. If the plugin isn't translated to your language, you can eventually contribute a translation to it.

6 hours ago, 黒部k said:

Also, I select the tool from the reference and normalize it with legalize active pokemon, but can't I select it directly from the reference?

Unsure on what you mean by "reference". I think the translator you're using is missing context.

6 hours ago, 黒部k said:

Is it possible to copy the Pokemon I sent to UMSM and send them to a previous work in a pseudo manner?

If you mean to send a Pokémon from USUM back to previous games, then yeah you can use PKHaX to enable backwards transfers.

6 hours ago, 黒部k said:

Also, when editing the save of BW, I would like you to fix the fact that some parts remain in English even when Japanese is selected. This is for editing the mysterious gift database and SAV.

Like plugins, missing translations can be contributed to the PKHeX repository.


If you find bugs or inconsistencies in the program behaviour, the suggestion is to open a proper issue on the github, or to open a separate thread here on the forums (on the proper section) explaining the issue with the program and how to replicate it.

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重ねてのリクエストになってしまって申し訳ないのですが、legalize active pokemonでエンカウントと性格値が一致しないと出たポケモンを修正すると、自動的に親などの情報がPKHEXに上書きされてしまうのですが、なるべく情報をそのままにして、エンカウントや性格値などだけを変更できるようにする事は可能でしょうか?


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12 hours ago, 黒部k said:

重ねてのリクエストになってしまって申し訳ないのですが、legalize active pokemonでエンカウントと性格値が一致しないと出たポケモンを修正すると、自動的に親などの情報がPKHEXに上書きされてしまうのですが、なるべく情報をそのままにして、エンカウントや性格値などだけを変更できるようにする事は可能でしょうか?


This is an English speaking forum, please only post messages in English. 

You're wanting to "legalize" a Pokemon directly in the slot via the right click context menu; no, the plugin does not add that functionality. If you're wanting to edit a Pokemon, you load it to the editor then run whatever edits on it. 

As for retaining values and only fixing what is wrong -- you're misunderstanding the intent of the plugin, which is to obtain battle legal Pokemon. Originally the plugin tried to do what you're wanting, but applying "fixes" to whatever is wrong is not foolproof and has tons of considerations that need to be accounted for. It is MUCH simpler to just find an encounter that can have the moves, generate it, and set it to the requested level and stats. If you want to pick and choose properties to copy over to the original, that's on you.

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