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Hidden Power improvement - feature request


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When you select the type of Hidden Power you want from the drop-down list I noticed it still keeps the damage at a random value meaning people that don't understand how Hidden Power works would have a difficult time getting max damage out of it or might not even know that the damage for Hidden Power changes and wonder why their attack is super effective but still only does 70 damage. Would it be possible to make the default IV values for Hidden Power damage types to also change it to the max damage value as well? For reference those values are:

Dark - 15 Attack DV, 15 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 15 HP DV

Dragon - 15 Attack DV, 14 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 11 HP DV

Ice - 15 Attack DV, 13 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 15 HP DV

Psychic -15 Attack DV, 12 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 11 HP DV

Electric - 14 Attack DV, 15 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 7 HP DV

Grass - 14 Attack DV, 14 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 3 HP DV

Water - 14 Attack DV, 13 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 7 HP DV

Fire - 14 Attack DV, 12 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 3 HP DV

Steel - 13 Attack DV, 15 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 15 HP DV

Ghost - 13 Attack DV, 14 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 11 HP DV

Bug - 13 Attack DV, 13 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 15 HP DV

Rock - 13 Attack DV, 12 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 11 HP DV

Ground - 12 Attack DV, 15 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 7 HP DV

Poison - 12 Attack DV, 14 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 3 HP DV

Flying - Attack DV, 13 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 7 HP DV

Fighting - Attack DV, 12 Defense DV, 15 Speed DV, 15 Special DV, 3 HP DV

All of these values will change it to the selected damage type with 70 damage as the output. Thanks for making this great program btw.

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Even for gen3+, the changing of Hidden power only mutates the IV bits that determine the type; they don't change the power value.

For both gen3+ and gen2, you can get a max power arrangement by first maxing the IVs (shortcut is to control click the Randomize IVs button) then change the IVs after.

Changing the behavior from only-mutate-type to mutate-type-and-max-power would remove the ability to change just the type. Plus, there's implications for gender in gen2.


If you want max power, just max the IVs and change the type after.

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7 minutes ago, Kaphotics said:

Even for gen3+, the changing of Hidden power only mutates the IV bits that determine the type; they don't change the power value.

For both gen3+ and gen2, you can get a max power arrangement by first maxing the IVs (shortcut is to control click the Randomize IVs button) then change the IVs after.

Changing the behavior from only-mutate-type to mutate-type-and-max-power would remove the ability to change just the type. Plus, there's implications for gender in gen2.


If you want max power, just max the IVs and change the type after.

Maybe some kind of toggle then? I had to do like 4 hours of research to understand the algorithm and what IVS were to get this far so to prevent other people from jumping through all those hoops it would be nice if there was just a button you could press that would max the power on whatever generation you were playing without breaking other stuff.

Also I don't think anyone would want to just change the type and have a crappy damage rate so perhaps the fairly well hidden shortcut option should be the least popular one that you use to just change the type and keep crappy damage?

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48 minutes ago, Wolf_ said:

Maybe some kind of toggle then? I had to do like 4 hours of research to understand the algorithm and what IVS were to get this far so to prevent other people from jumping through all those hoops it would be nice if there was just a button you could press that would max the power on whatever generation you were playing without breaking other stuff.

Also I don't think anyone would want to just change the type and have a crappy damage rate so perhaps the fairly well hidden shortcut option should be the least popular one that you use to just change the type and keep crappy damage?

Added as a setting; default is true so it'll auto-max the IVs instead of the old behavior.


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