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Posted (edited)

Hey all,

I want to batch edit some pokemons but many lines are not doing whats intended. Right now I have the following code:

.SID=3907 -> Gives me "0255" -> solved (SID7), thanks @theSLAYER
.TID=303290 -> Gives me "631536"-> solved (ID7), thanks @theSLAYER
.CurrentHandler=0 -> Not working
.Met_Year=2021-> Not working solved (.MetDate=20210101), thanks @theSLAYER
.HT_Name=Test -> Not working
.HyperTrainFlags=$suggest -> Not working

As you can see, not all lines are working. I cannot find the issue, could someone please help me?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Soggg
20 minutes ago, Soggg said:

.SID=3907 -> Gives me "0255"
.TID=303290 -> Gives me "631536"

Looks like you going for Gen 7 TID.
You should be using TrainerID7 and TrainerSID7

20 minutes ago, Soggg said:

.OT_Name=Test-> Not working

I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.
Literally just worked for me.


20 minutes ago, Soggg said:

.CurrentHandler=0 -> Not working

Perhaps because the OT_Name, TID, SID doesn't match your save?
I imagine that were to be the case. Can't say for sure.


20 minutes ago, Soggg said:

.Met_Year=2021-> Not working
.HT_Name=Test -> Not working

.HyperTrainFlags=$suggest -> Not working

I can confirm Met Year isn't working for me too.

It looks like you're trying to randomize the Date/Month?
Perhaps use this to apply the entire datestamp (includes the year) first,
then perform date/month randomization.

.HT_Name isn't working for me too. Presumably it becomes the name of the save file.
.HyperTrainFlags=$suggest ain't working for me too.

26 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

Looks like you going for Gen 7 TID.
You should be using TrainerID7 and TrainerSID7

I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.
Literally just worked for me.


Perhaps because the OT_Name, TID, SID doesn't match your save?
I imagine that were to be the case. Can't say for sure.


I can confirm Met Year isn't working for me too.

It looks like you're trying to randomize the Date/Month?
Perhaps use this to apply the entire datestamp (includes the year) first,
then perform date/month randomization.

.HT_Name isn't working for me too. Presumably it becomes the name of the save file.
.HyperTrainFlags=$suggest ain't working for me too.

Thank you very much, this fixed it for me. My apologies, I made a mistake, .OT_Name does indeed work without any problem.

Anyone else knows why .HT_Name=Test and .HyperTrainFlags=$suggest is not working?

8 minutes ago, Soggg said:

Thank you very much, this fixed it for me. My apologies, I made a mistake, .OT_Name does indeed work without any problem.

Anyone else knows why .HT_Name=Test and .HyperTrainFlags=$suggest is not working?

As for .HT_Name, I'm assuming it's the same issue as .CurrentHandler.

It presumably partially auto corrects to fit the save's OT.
If the mon's OT data is the same as the save, then perhaps it can be changed.
If the mon's OT data isn't the same as the save, .HT_Name has to bear the save's name? That's just my guess.

So to modify CurrentHandler, one of the details, either OT or HT, needs to match the save's OT, that's what I think.

I just did a test where I made the HT follow the save's OT, and I was able to edit CurrentHandler (it was on the OT section of the mon, and I forced it to the HT section)

[all edits mentioned are batch edits]

As for Hyper Train Flags suggest, got no clue really.

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