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Please suggest me the best Pokemon pearl all 493 Rom Hack for me to play


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Sorry bad english


I wanted to play a Pokemon Diamond or pearl  rom hack but totally faithful to the original game but the unique difference is to be able to capture all 493 pokemons without events or trades.


I do not want to play a platinum hack because I want to buy Pokemon Shining Pearl and I wanted to play Pokemon pearl til the end and them to compare the 2 games when the shining pearl be released. Platinum have so much differences I think, I want to know more about the Pearl.


Exist SO MANY Pokemon rom hack that is hard to know which one is the best to play, but, I do not want a rom hack that is more easy to capture pokmens or more easy top capture shinies, I wanted the REAL pokemon pearl gameplay, but, the unique difference is to be able to capture all pokemons...


I see some rom hacks that change the odds of pokemon encounters of rare pokemons from 2% to 30% and other that change shinie odds from 1/4000 to 1/100 ... I do not want to play such cheat games...


Thank you very much

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