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  red707 said:
i did but he is bussy on another code and other people won't replay i will just wait

That's your best bet. He has a lot of requests, you know.

  Tracy1969able said:
Around May 12 and May 13, 2010, I posted several requests, but I have not heard anything, so I will Repost them .

Many of them, I may be editing my Request in order to make them easier to fullfil.


Whoa, that was a lot. Let's see... you're trying to make them look as realistic as possible, right?

The OT can only be seven characters. Pokefreak@ is... ten.

The legit maximum for contest stats is perfect, but there are plenty of people that take that as a hacked sign. Do you want me to just fill out something reasonable, or just stick with the max...?

Spearow. It has a set PID, so it can't be shiny without messing with its legitimacy. And I'm pretty sure it didn't have any egg moves, but if you really want me to put some on, and screw over the integrity, I'll go ahead.

Uh. There's a lot of other small things. Most of the confusion is caused by not using the requested format and legality things, actually. I'll be winging most of this...

And last thing to note, I don't know how to make .pgt codes for HG/SS. So these would all be in your PC... but what game do you need these for? Both HG and SS, I'm thinking?

  Crest said:
Hello, I want something slightly different, instead of you giving me the Pokemon, can you give me the code for the pokemon.

Basically, I am UK HeartGOLD, and am trying to make a cyndaquil, if I have made the Pokemon in Pokesav Platinum, what parts of the code do i need to change to get it to UK Heartgold standard

I don't know how to convert codes... RASN does, so maybe you should ask him. Why don't you just generate the code for Heart Gold and not Platinum?

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i have 2 requests and try to make them from the events and short because i want the things different

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Posted (edited)

I will settle for them to be as realistic as possible, but my computer will not download a Python, so I cannot do the PKM Files. Could they be fore the action replay for the US Version for either the US Heartgold or Soulsilver Version, and as far as the 3 Regis are conncerned. They could just be Platinum, if they have to. You can fill in the blanks, to make them look as realistic as possibe. I will Thank you ahead of time for all of your trouble.

I know that Pokefreak@ was from Pokefreak@'s Forum when they had a on-line game giveaway for that month. The OT can be anything that would look almost realistic for such an event.

I hope that thhis helped.

I am letting you do whatever needs to be done to help make them look more realistic and as legit as possible.

Just let me know, if it is shiny, if I should avoid it ever catching the Pokerus.

Thank You again.

I forgot to mention that for my Heartgold version, where I chose a Chikorita, my Trainer ID is 25358.

I think that my Secret ID is 59805, but I don't know for certain.

For 1 of my two Soulsilver versions, which I chose a Cyndaquil my trainer ID is 29367.

I think that my Secret ID is 58166, but I don't know for certain.

For the Soulsilver version, which I chose a Totodile, my trainer ID is 55656.

I think that my Secrret ID is 38566.

My Platinum version has the Trainer ID of 57437,

and I think that my Secret ID is 21530.

Edited by Tracy1969able
Letting you know what my Trainer ID and Secret IDs are
Posted (edited)

red, here you go. They're for Platinum, L + R. They don't look like the ones from the events, you know, because you're asking for them to be way different. But they'll still activate the events.

I didn't really bother with the stats this time, I can't with PC codes. I can tell you Suicune's attack is a lot less than you wanted, because Suicune is a defensive Pokemon. Everything else is normal.

Suicune is in Box 17, Slot 1.

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Shaymin is in Box 16, Slot 1.

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And Tracy. That makes it simpler, thanks.

All right, I'll try to get some of those done... I'll post whenever they're ready or if I have a problem. Just a note, any Pokemon can get Pokerus without a negative result, you know.

Edited by Aarux
Heh heh, little mess-up

thanks sorry if the event part caused you any trouble just to tell you i used to make codes like this but i took about a year off of making codes and now i am no good at these kind and i had trouble with event ones


Traded please.

And for the battle stats can you make the attack and speed so they look legal and high.

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Hey, I'm looking to get some Movie 13 Event Celebi. I need them traded over wifi, since I can't make them myself (I don't know how to input japanese characters into Pokesav).

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I appreciate it.


Here is a .pkm file of the Celebi (courtesy of Riolu Aura Sphere Now). You can load it into Pokesav and adjust, so that you can create your 4 copies.

I used the Action Replay code on my save, collected the Celebi from the Pokemart and uploaded my HG save to my PC (using NDS Adaptor Plus) so that I could load it into Pokegen (which I much prefer to Pokesav) to save the Celebi to a .pkm file.

Movie 13 Celebi.pkm

Movie 13 Celebi.pkmFetching info...


Aw man. I think I'm about finished with your request, Tracy. That many Pokemon took a while to make.

This one has Lucario, Typhlosion, Squirtle, Smeargle, and Ditto. Select to use, and it's for Soul Silver. Box 2, Slots 1-5.

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And this is for the three Regi's... Select, Soul Silver, and Box 2, Slots 6-8.

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I'll add the fixed Typhlosion with the Legend Ribbon here... Soul Silver, Select, Box 2, Slot 9.

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There's probably an error somewhere, I made these when I was half-asleep. But you can test them out and look them over.

I'm still making the other Pokemon. And I don't know if I can get the apricorn code, if there's one out there, then I'll post it. But I don't make codes like that.

  shad99 said:
Traded please.

And for the battle stats can you make the attack and speed so they look legal and high.

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All right. Made it, tell me when you're on.

  Icyman28 said:
Hey, I'm looking to get some Movie 13 Event Celebi. I need them traded over wifi, since I can't make them myself (I don't know how to input japanese characters into Pokesav).


I appreciate it.

I'll make these for you. I just need to get some with the correct natures off my game, so they're completely legal.

By the way, Bassman, editing the nature changes the PID, thus invalidating the Pokemon... so you'd have to pick up one with the correct nature in-game and base it off that. Ex. Take a legit event Legality has registered, edit the nature, and see if it still passes, it shouldn't.


wifi trade please

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  barad said:
can someone hack a pokemon for me?

Make one from scratch or edit a Pokemon you have? Either way, I can.

  Psycho__Ryan said:
Hey, If I have a request for a whole team, where should I go?

You're at the right place. Request away.

  ian1 said:
wifi trade please
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I'll get started on this as soon as I can.

  Icyman28 said:
Thanks Aarux, just shoot me a PM whenever you are ready.

No prob, I should send one soon, since I got the Celebi on my game and just need to extract the files for editing.

Also, little note to everyone, I'm going out for a while tonight so these requests would be finished either tomorrow or late today.


I have some more requests.

I have 2 Soulsilver Versions and 1 Heartgold Version for the US.

I want each traveling party in each of the game paks to have completely different pokemon. No one pokemon is in 2 sifferent game paks.

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The other two game packs, I am at Violet City, and I have not beatten Falkner yet, but I would like to begin training all 6 traveling pokemon now.

These other 12 pokemon need to also traverse all throughout the Kanto Regions and the Johto Regions.

Therefore I will need a party which knows or can learn all of the HMS and Flash.

I am asking tor the US Action Replay Code for 2 Different Game Packs, although I want you to include a certain pokemon in each one, you have almost complete freedom with choosing the other 5 pokemon as long as they can learn the required moves.

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I would like to train a Dragon type and a ghost type for a change, but it is your choice.

I just want a strong team to travel throughtout both regions and be able to win many gym battles without their moves being too weak to have a chance .

It does not matter which Pokedex they are in . Kanto or Johto, because I am not picky. I just want to start bonding with them all earlier, rather then play catch up on the newcomer.

Thank you ahead of time.

I would also like these 3 pokemon.

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Thank you ahead of time for all of your trouble. I really appreciate it.


i have a request and do it when you can ok so if you are too bussy i can wait

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  Aarux said:
Do you want these to be as realistic as possible? It sort of looks like you do, but there a couple problems... if not I'll just make them as you stated.

Which are the problems that you've found?

  Tracy1969able said:
I have some more requests.

I have 2 Soulsilver Versions and 1 Heartgold Version for the US.

I want each traveling party in each of the game paks to have completely different pokemon. No one pokemon is in 2 sifferent game paks.


Thank you ahead of time for all of your trouble. I really appreciate it.

All right, I'll do those after I finish your current previous requests. Also. Next time you request, please use this format, it's straight-to-the-point and much easier to look at:

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Actually, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, editing those requests into this format would definitely help me make it now, since I'm getting confused over just about all of your requests from the different form.

  red707 said:
i have a request and do it when you can ok so if you are too bussy i can wait
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Yep, I have this one ready for you, one Pokemon's a piece of cake. Platinum, Select, Box 7, Slot 5.

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  Jonesy said:
Which are the problems that you've found?

Growlithe... uh. You say it's in an egg? Eggs can't come from Sandgem, can't have a hatched location when it's not hatched, or be in a Park Ball.

Lapras can only be caught in Victory Road in D/P/Pt, so the Moon Ball isn't available...

I think that was it, but I might have missed something.

  Aarux said:
Growlithe... uh. You say it's in an egg? Eggs can't come from Sandgem, can't have a hatched location when it's not hatched, or be in a Park Ball.

Lapras can only be caught in Victory Road in D/P/Pt, so the Moon Ball isn't available...

I think that was it, but I might have missed something.

Sorry I forgot about that. Since it has Morning Sun it has to come from Route 34.

You can't trade it to me already hatched?

For Lapras you can use a Dive Ball instead.

If you want I can edit the post after this minor issues.

Posted (edited)

I am reposting both of the other requests that have not been made, and I placed them in the edited form that you requested

This contains all of my requests. I hope that this helps.

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I know you may have a problem with this next code, because it is the apricorn code

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This next 1 may be harder, do whatever you can to make it look as legit as possible

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I have some more requests.

I have 2 Soulsilver Versions and 1 Heartgold Version for the US.

I want each traveling party in each of the game paks to have completely different pokemon. No one pokemon is in 2 different game paks.

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The other two game packs, I am at Violet City, and I have not beatten Falkner yet, but I would like to begin training all 6 traveling pokemon now.

These other 12 pokemon need to also traverse all throughout the Kanto Regions and the Johto Regions.

Therefore I will need a party which knows or can learn all of the HMS and Flash.

I am asking tor the US Action Replay Code for 2 Different Game Packs, although I want you to include a certain pokemon in each one, you have almost complete freedom with choosing the other 5 pokemon as long as they can learn the required moves. I would like to train a Dragon type and a ghost type for a change, but it is your choice.

I just want a strong team to travel throughtout both regions and be able to win many gym battles without their moves being too weak to have a chance .

It does not matter which Pokedex they are in . Kanto or Johto, because I am not picky. I just want to start bonding with them all earlier, rather then play catch up on the newcomer, like I always have done.

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I would also like these 3 pokemon as well.

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Edited by Tracy1969able
I added the word Shiny with the pokemon type for the unfulfilled request.
  Aarux said:

Growlithe... uh. You say it's in an egg? Eggs can't come from Sandgem, can't have a hatched location when it's not hatched, or be in a Park Ball.

Lapras can only be caught in Victory Road in D/P/Pt, so the Moon Ball isn't available...

I think that was it, but I might have missed something.

um the lapras has an event on hg/ss every friday got to the union cave where there are laders go down but not down the lader down the map keep going through it and there will be a lapras lv.20 but only every friday

  Jonesy said:
Sorry I forgot about that. Since it has Morning Sun it has to come from Route 34.

You can't trade it to me already hatched?

For Lapras you can use a Dive Ball instead.

If you want I can edit the post after this minor issues.

You mean the Day-Care Couple, right?

I can, but you said "Egg (Yes or No): yes", so... typo?

All right. Much better... I already have the others made, I just need to get those two.

  Tracy1969able said:
I am reposting both of the other requests that have not been made, and I placed them in the edited form that you requested

This contains all of my requests. I hope that this helps.


Yeah, it's a lot easier to look at now that there's less words. Now. I have some of these finished.

This one is for Lucario, Typhlosion, Squirtle, and Smeargle. Press Select. Box 2, Slots 1-4. For Soul Silver. Everything worked out all right for these guys.

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The three Crown beasts. Select. Box 2, Slots 5-7. For Soul Silver. No problems here, either.

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And Webster's Spearow, Satoshi Pikachu, Pichu, and the other Pikachu. Select, Box 2, Slots 8-11. Soul Silver.

Problematic request here. Spiky-Ears, as far as I know, can't be shiny... maybe it can, I don't know. The Pikachu can't know both Surf and Fly, but... meh. Made it shiny, since it's already hacked.

Also, I had no clue what you meant with the "COMBINE THE ELECTRIC TYPE WITH EITHER SURF OR FLY" thing, so I just threw something in... please post the exact nick next time, even if you have to look it up. I'm no good at guessing.

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  red707 said:
um the lapras has an event on hg/ss every friday got to the union cave where there are laders go down but not down the lader down the map keep going through it and there will be a lapras lv.20 but only every friday

Yeah, I know. I was talking about D/P/Pt...

I sure hope I'm not missing anyone. Speak up if I am, these requests are starting to pop up more often, and I tend to miss things.

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