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Have any of you ever seen one? How was it? Boring? Energizing? Awesome?

Well, this morning, I went and perched on the corner of the car to watch the sunset. I waited for nearly an hour, before it was pretty much light, it was just a bit blue-ish in the sky still. But, I missed it because the clouds were in the way. I really just wanted to see what it was like, and people that drove past gave me really funny looks.

It really annoyed me that I couldn't catch it, but I'll try again every day until I've seen it. I really hope it's nice. :)

How about everyone else?

Edited by RenegadeShroom

I've seen a sunrise while i was going to the airport, though i think Sunsets are better. But being in New Zealand we can't see one.

Oh Renegade did you know I'm in China right now, i left during Christmas Eve. I guess i forgot to tell you. :biggrin: i told others like Josh and Alex. I'm getting back at the 28th i think.


That's a cool picture, Gallade, I hope you enjoyed watching it. And thanks for posting it here.

Sushi, I've only ever seen the sky lighting up from a sunrise, not the sun actually rising, so I wouldn't know. :/

I'll catch one of 'em one day. Why can't we see one in New Zealand? Just because it begins to rise at five in the morning, eh?

Yes, I found out about your departure yesterday, 28th of January, right? Well, happy holidays then!


I've seen one where the entire sky was bright orange with purple shadows, and it looked like a prairie in the sky. That was awe-inspiring.

The best one, though, was a sunset when it was totally clear except for one humongous cloud that was bright red and purple against an orange sky that stretched to the very edges of the horizon. It made me feel dwarfed.

The best sunsets/rises that I've heard of are on the west coast of the US during autumn, if you want to see some amazing ones. From what I've seen, the entire sky lights up bright red or orange before the sun falls below the horizon.


We don't can't see sunsets in New Zealand because of the geographical location. We are like at the bottom of the world, i think we are the first ones to see the sun.

Isn't New Zealand in the future then all countries? or just some.


We are ahead of everyone except people in Antarctica, and that's not by very much. Um, we can see sunsets in New Zealand, that's what it's called when the sun goes below the horizon, Sushiz. :D

Oh, man, I hope I get to see that at least once in my life, Relyte. It sounds really amazing.


It's summer right now in New Zealand, so i guess the country is using NZDT (New Zealand daylight time) which is 13 hours ahead of Universal Time. This means New Zealand will always have next day's sunrise before any other country. More precisely, The Sun's first rays of a new day strike Mt.Hakepa on Pitt Island, 850km from New Zealand's mainland.

Here's a sunrise in New Zealand :

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Near the opposite pole, here 's a controversial picture of a sunset :

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This is midnight sun in Norway, Betwixt and between sunset and sunrise.

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Finally, here's a midnight sunrise while approaching Helsinki :

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You get amazing sunsets in Key West in Florida, I saw them when I went on Holiday there. :P But I live in the UK, we occasionally get great sunsets, and me living in the middle of nowhere surrounded by scenic wills and lush green landscape make them even better. When its clear skies (very very very rare in the UK, it rains all the time T_T) the sky just goes orange and everything is streaked with orange, it's AMAZING. Thats my experiences with sunsets. And thats in the Summer too. :P


I remember seeing a sunset when the sky was covered with thin clouds, so when the sun was setting the clouds seem to look like ripples of redish orange.

It was the best Sunset i ever seen. (in Gulf Harbour)

  HottSushiz said:
We don't can't see sunsets in New Zealand because of the geographical location. We are like at the bottom of the world, i think we are the first ones to see the sun.

Isn't New Zealand in the future then all countries? or just some.

Not really... I believe the notion of eastern countries being in the future due to an earlier time zone to be false and here's why:

Say I fly a plane westward from New England (Northeasternmost United States). I stop on the West Coast of the United States within an hour of departure after passing through three time zones. If I left at 6:00 AM, and traveled for an hour, it would be 7:00 AM, but because I traveled westward through 3 time zones, each of which is an hour behind US Eastern Standard Time, I theoretically would have lost 3 hours and so the theoretical time would be 4:00 AM! My point being, if I were to fly around the world in a westward fashion, I'd be able to theoretically go back in time and if I were to fly eastward bound, I could travel into the future, so to speak.

So take this as one of two ways:

1) Time is a human product and that because humans and their creations are not perfect, and have their flaws, and we have a loophole in time on our hands (do with it what you will...).


2) That this shows that our perception of time is broken and that instead of believing in time travel based on flying around the world, we should just think with common sense for a minute that the Earth is a single celestial body that exists as a whole and that we all experience time at the same moment and we are just fooled by the proposition of night and day starting at the same number time-wise (for the convenience of travelers...) due to different positions in relationship to the sun.

(I just realized how bored I am right now...)

  • 2 months later...

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