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Okay, I'm completely new to PokeSav and have no idea how to use it. I read the FAQ but still...I'm clueless. I have a DSi, Acekard 2i, and Platinum. (Dunno if that helps.) My apologies in advance if I sound...noobish.

1.How do I make a .sav file?

2.How do I make pokemon appear in the pokemon edit?

3.How do I get pokemon I make into my Platinum.

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1) You make a .sav file as soon as you save the game. That's why it's called the save file - it holds data on your progress, Pokemon, items etc.

I use the CycloDS, so I can't really say anything about Acekard, but the .sav file should be where your games are stored. I'm pretty certain there's a folder called 'NDS Games' in your microSD root directory - that would be where the .sav is in. Remember not to confuse the .sav file (your save, which is very tiny in size, less than 1mb) with your .nds file (the ROM image, size can be well over 100mb).

2) Use the 'Open' button in Pokesav to load your .sav file, then edit whatever you want.

If you get funny characters and the data seems all screwed up, use Shunyweb's Save File Converter to convert your .sav to a format that Pokesav can read (Force 512kb or No$GBA seem the most plausible ones).

Shunyweb's Save File Converter URL: http://www.shunyweb.info/convert.php

Remember to convert back when you're done.

3) When you save your changes in Pokesav, you've already gotten all that you made into you game.

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