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Hello, I'm GoldTrainer and I just registered here. I hope I will have fun on these forums.

To anyone who obtains my friend code for Pokemon Platinum version, you may not always be able to contact me because the Wi-fi at my house isn't working.

My Platinum team consists of Blaziken, Gardevoir, Salamence, Roserade, Milotic, and Metagross.

  HottSushiz said:
Hello There.

My Jolteon would probably OHKO most of your team. :tongue: Unless you have a powerful priority move, or Choiced.

Well, my Metagross knows Earthquake, and unless your Jolteon knows thunder wave, my Metagross can use agility to become faster. Plus he can use Explosion.

I also just recently taught my Salamence Earthquake as well. After a Dragon Dance, he could OHKO your Jolteon, unless it holds a focus sash or shuca berry.

Also, what move does Jolteon know that could possibly OHKO Roserade. Jolteon can't learn any fire, ice, flying, or psychic attacks.

No offense though. Jolteon is a great pokemon. I remember having him in my red version a long time ago.


Not many people get the right Hidden Power in non-simulator battles actually Mewtwo. Jolteon is rather too frail to sweep but actually quite fast and powerful. Gardevoir can Trace VoltAbsorb and hit back with STAB Psychics, but watch out for Shadow Balls, but they can only 3HKO. Roserade has enough Special Defense unlike her defense to take resisted TBolts and other moves Jolteon has to offer. HP Ice, if it even has it, will not do much damage unless Spec'd. Roserade's Leaf Storm or something would probably do major damage, if not OHKO.

But this topic is not about who beats who, now is it? So enough of that people... if you want to duke it off do it on Wifi/PBR/Shoddy/Netbattle/whatever.

Yeah I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Wraith, the most evil person in PP, as you can imagine. Enjoy your stay... before I do something sinister.

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