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Switch Events Contribution Thread


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Hello everyone, I'm theSLAYER, your events moderator and forum administrator here!

As a new line of games on a new console is coming up, changes are required for new contributions!

Please submit ALL from below:

  1. For local wireless events, please extract the wonder card (such as via a RAM dump)
  2. Submit a photograph or in-game screenshot of receiving the gift.
  3. Submit photographs relating to the event (event banner, brochures or pamphlets, people at the event etc)
  4. Context to the event (ie. Self obtained? Location? Was it crowded? Collection Process etc.)


As your saves are located on the Switch console itself (not your cartridge), you'll definitely need Homebrew or CFW on your Switch in order to extract your data.

From now till the release of the games, if you need to install whatever, please do so if you intend to contribute :)
(and of course, we're not responsible to anything that happens to your Switch)

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