Neo Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 What is HTML? HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for web pages. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists etc as well as for links, quotes, and other items. It allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of "tags" surrounded by angle brackets within the web page content. It can include or can load scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML processors like Web browsers; and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. The W3C, maintainer of both HTML and CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicit presentational markup The Basic Tags Reveal hidden contents Document Type <HTML></HTML> (beginning and end of file) Title <TITLE></TITLE> (must be in header) Header <HEAD></HEAD> (descriptive info, such as title) Body <BODY></BODY> (bulk of the page) Basic Structure Reveal hidden contents Heading <H?></H?> (the spec. defines 6 levels) Align Heading <H? ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT></H?> Division <DIV></DIV> Align Division <DIV ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER|JUSTIFY></DIV> Defined Content <SPAN></SPAN> Block Quote <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> (usually indented) Quote <Q></Q> (for short quotations) Citation <Q CITE="URL"></Q> Emphasis <EM></EM> (usually displayed as italic) Strong Emphasis <STRONG></STRONG> (usually displayed as bold) Citation <CITE></CITE> (usually italics) Code <CODE></CODE> (for source code listings) Basic Presentation Reveal hidden contents Bold <B></B> Italic <I></I> Underline <U></U> (not widely implemented) Strikeout <STRIKE></STRIKE> (not widely implemented) Strikeout <S></S> (not widely implemented) Subscript <SUB></SUB> Superscript <SUP></SUP> Dividers Reveal hidden contents Paragraph <P></P> (closing tag often unnecessary) Align Text <P ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT></P> Justify Text <P ALIGN=JUSTIFY></P> Line Break <BR> (a single carriage return) Clear Textwrap <BR CLEAR=LEFT|RIGHT|ALL> Horizontal Rule <HR> Alignment <HR ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER> Thickness <HR SIZE=?> (in pixels) Width <HR WIDTH=?> (in pixels) Width Percent <HR WIDTH="%"> (as a percentage of page width) Solid Line <HR NOSHADE> (without the 3D cutout look) No Break <NOBR></NOBR> (prevents line breaks) Word Break <WBR> (where to break a line if needed) Lists Reveal hidden contents Unordered List <UL><LI></UL> (before each list item) Compact <UL COMPACT></UL> Bullet Type <UL TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE> (for the whole list) Bullet Type <LI TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE> (this & subsequent) Ordered List <OL><LI></OL> (before each list item) Compact <OL COMPACT></OL> Numbering Type <OL TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (for the whole list) Numbering Type <LI TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (this & subsequent) Starting Number <OL START=?> (for the whole list) Starting Number <LI VALUE=?> (this & subsequent) Definition List <DL><DT><DD></DL> (<DT>Means the term, <DD>means the definition) Compact <DL COMPACT></DL> Menu List <MENU><LI></MENU> (before each list item) Compact <MENU COMPACT></MENU> Directory List <DIR><LI></DIR> (before each list item) Compact <DIR COMPACT></DIR> Positioning Reveal hidden contents Multi-Column <MULTICOL COLS=?></MULTICOL> Column Gutter <MULTICOL GUTTER=?></MULTICOL> Column Width <MULTICOL WIDTH=?></MULTICOL> Spacer <SPACER> Spacer Type <SPACER TYPE=HORIZONTAL|VERTICAL|BLOCK> Size <SPACER SIZE=?> Dimensions <SPACER WIDTH=? HEIGHT=?> Alignment <SPACER ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER> Layer <LAYER></LAYER> Name <LAYER ID="***"></LAYER> Location <LAYER LEFT=? TOP=?></LAYER> Rel. Position <LAYER PAGEX=? PAGEY=?></LAYER> Source File <LAYER SRC="***"></LAYER> Stacking <LAYER Z-INDEX=?></LAYER> Stack Position <LAYER ABOVE="***" BELOW="***"></LAYER> Dimensions <LAYER HEIGHT=? WIDTH=?></LAYER> Clipping Path <LAYER CLIP=,,,></LAYER> Visible? <LAYER VISIBILITY=SHOW|HIDDEN|INHERIT></LAYER> Background<LAYER BACKGROUND="$$$$$$"></LAYER> Color <LAYER Links and Graphics Reveal hidden contents Link Something <A HREF="URL"></A> Link to Location <A HREF="URL#***"></A> (if in another document) <A HREF="#***"></A> (if in current document) Target Window <A HREF="URL" TARGET="***"></A> Action on Click <A HREF="URL" ONCLICK="***"></A> (Javascript) Mouseover Action <A HREF="URL" ONMOUSEOVER="***"></A> (Javascript) Mouse out Action <A HREF="URL" ONMOUSEOUT="***"></A> (Javascript) Link to Email <A HREF="mailto:@"></A> Specify Subject <A HREF="mailto:@?SUBJECT=***"></A> (use a real question mark) Define Location <A NAME="***"></A> Display Image <IMG SRC="URL"> Alignment <IMG SRC="URL" ALIGN=TOP|BOTTOM|MIDDLE|LEFT|RIGHT> Alignment <IMG SRC="URL" ALIGN=TEXTTOP|ABSMIDDLE|BASELINE|ABSBOTTOM> Alternate <IMG SRC="URL" ALT="***"> (if image not displayed) Dimensions <IMG SRC="URL" WIDTH=? HEIGHT=?> (in pixels) <IMG SRC="URL" WIDTH=% HEIGHT=%> (as percentage of page width/height) Border <IMG SRC="URL" BORDER=?> (in pixels) Runaround Space <IMG SRC="URL" HSPACE=? VSPACE=?> (in pixels) Low-Res Proxy <IMG SRC="URL" LOWSRC="URL"> Imagemap <IMG SRC="URL" ISMAP> (requires a script) Imagemap <IMG SRC="URL" USEMAP="URL"> Movie Clip <IMG DYNSRC="***" START="***" LOOP=?> Background Sound <BGSOUND SRC="***" LOOP=?|INFINITE> Client-Side Map <MAP NAME="***"></MAP> (describes the map) Map Section <AREA SHAPE="DEFAULT|RECT|CIRCLE|POLY" COORDS=",,," HREF="URL"|NOHREF> Client Pull <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="?; URL=URL"> Embed Object <EMBED SRC="URL"> (insert object into page) Object Size <EMBED SRC="URL" WIDTH=? HEIGHT=?> Object <OBJECT></OBJECT> Scripts&Java Reveal hidden contents Script <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> Location <SCRIPT SRC="URL"></SCRIPT> Type <SCRIPT TYPE="***"></SCRIPT> Language <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="***"></SCRIPT> Other Content <NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT> (if scripts not supported) Applet <APPLET></APPLET> File Name <APPLET CODE="***"> Parameters <APPLET PARAM NAME="***"> Location <APPLET CODEBASE="URL"> Identifier <APPLET NAME="***"> (for references) Alt Text <APPLET ALT="***"> (for non-Java browsers) Alignment <APPLET ALIGN="LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER"> Size <APPLET WIDTH=? HEIGHT=?> (in pixels) Spacing <APPLET HSPACE=? VSPACE=?> (in pixels) Server Script <SERVER></SERVER> Note: This guide is not finished, i just don't have the time to finish it now. If you have any questions, just ask. Credits Me for writing this BareBones for teaching me HTML Many years ago CloneCharizard for pointing out some key tags. I hope many people will use this when building their Websites
wraith89 Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 =) Thanks. Now I know how to structure my webpages better. I suppose I will refer to this guide for future reference.
Neo Posted October 12, 2009 Author Posted October 12, 2009 Thanks =) Glad to see your still around too.
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