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Could they ban me?


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Hi everyone. I have a question regarding pkhex and the bans.  
I have finished the game and recently I put many objects with the amount of 900 with pkhex as well as some illegal pokes 
(more than 510 in evs or permanent megas) for sporadic offline use (I'm not thinking about using them in online matches byany means, 
since in case of doing such matches online I would logically use the obtained and trained legal pokes.
Special mention is that I did everything with turned  wifi OFF and I have never registered the ultrasun game ID in the PGL.

However, I would like to complete the pokedex and that includes having to use the gts to get alakazam and other evolving
 poker trading or exclusive Ultramoon pokes and Legends. If I connect to the internet in the game and do trading with the gts, 
could I be banned in spite of not having those illegal pokes i my team? I have searched for the answer to this in many places but 
it has never been clear to me. I hope that you can enlighten me. It's not necessary to say that I wont by any means put an illegal
pokemon in the GTS, I dont want to spoil any other player.

PS: maybe it's a stupid question but, to directly trading pokemon through the trade button in the 
screen below in Festiplaza do you have to register 
your game in PGL?

Thanks and greetings to the forum
Edited by Kroos8
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10 minutes ago, Lessangel said:

No , according to my experience , Nintendo will only ban your game if you revise your save file . If you don't register in PGL , you will not be banned game .

Don't use freeshop or any illegal software in 3DS , that will make Nintendo banned your machines

Well, if I've used pkhex, I've modified my save... just only offline, I mean all of this with internet off. I'm specifying all of this in my post... Please, read it again.


Edited by Kroos8
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3 minutes ago, Kroos8 said:

Well, if I've used pkhex, I've modified my save... just only offline, I mean all of this with internet off.


Yes , I mean , if Nintendo find you have modified your save , they will only ban your game , not your 3DS . 

And in Nintendo banned your game , you can not play rank battle , but can also use other serve . 

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