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Guest Solgaleo Lunala

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Guest Solgaleo Lunala

sorry im new to this ,hope its in the right area , i am getting sun and moon and am interested in using this hex program so i can get shinies cause i have never been able to obtain one and or some extra money in game . only for my personal amusement as i dont really do the online competitive part of pokemon. i tried looking up tutorial videos on how to do this hex program and homebrew .and the video said i need a program or game called cubic ninja to make pk hex and home brew work? does this cubic ninja cost money and is it easy to use? i have the new nintendo 3ds if that makes a difference on software version 11.2

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Guest Solgaleo Lunala
First off, because of time zones and personal schedules, you should wait at least a day or two before bumping.

As for your question, a list of exploitable games can be found here:


Not all of them work on all firmwares. Once you get homebrew set up, use JKSM to import and export your saves.

Oh ur right I forget . My apologize. But I read that some of those games were patched .? Like the YouTube one for example. Do you know which ones work with sun and moon as of now ?

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But I read that some of those games were patched .? Like the YouTube one for example. Do you know which ones work with sun and moon as of now ?

AFAIK, since you're on 11.2, your options for primary exploits are:

  • Cubic Ninja

  • Freakyforms Deluxe

  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time + Powersaves


If you don't have any of the games and need to buy something, I'd recommend Ocarina of Time + Powersaves, since they're easy to find and Ocarina of Time is a great game in its own right.

There's other games listed on Smealum's site that also work on 11.2, but require homebrew access to install. These are called secondary exploits.

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Guest Solgaleo Lunala
AFAIK, since you're on 11.2, your options for primary exploits are:
  • Cubic Ninja

  • Freakyforms Deluxe

  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time + Powersaves


If you don't have any of the games and need to buy something, I'd recommend Ocarina of Time + Powersaves, since they're easy to find and Ocarina of Time is a great game in its own right.

There's other games listed on Smealum's site that also work on 11.2, but require homebrew access to install. These are called secondary exploits.

I don't have any of them sadly I was only into Pokemon. Im guessing this ocarina is the cheapest?

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Guest Solgaleo Lunala
I don't have any of them sadly I was only into Pokemon. Im guessing this ocarina is the cheapest?

Also sorry for all the questions just try8jg to get ut right. I searched for ocarina . But a alot popped up and none if them say powersaves at the end

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Correct me if I'm wrong but ... none of the above will help the OP because Sun Moon is PASLR'd and Bank not updated for Sun & Moon til Jan ie need CFW Luma to bypass PASLR and JKSV saves, not just Homebrew?

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Correct me if I'm wrong but ... none of the above will help the OP because Sun Moon is PASLR'd and Bank not updated for Sun & Moon til Jan ie need CFW Luma to bypass PASLR and JKSV saves, not just Homebrew?

Hmm... I do remember that being mentioned somewhere. Since I have CFW, I haven't paid much attention to that kind of thing. I think Smealum said he found a way around it, so it may be best to avoid purchasing anything until this happens. (Although Ocarina of Time is still a good game IMO.)

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What's the deal with PASLR and how is it supposed to affect extracting and injecting save files into games?

(Google is 100% useless when it comes to figuring out anything about that.)

Well that's weird, because I'm reading that supposedly it was supposed to break with OR/AS on 11.1, but I'm pretty sure I was on 11.1 and svdt worked just fine to backup/restore OR/AS.

Then I updated to 11.2 to install ACNL update from eShop and now it doesn't work anymore. So I'm confused as to whether it was supposed to work or not on 11.1

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Yeah I think that's the sitch ... looks like Smealum is working on something in between rants about HRC and the electoral college system, Irish people 'driving on the left like fucking savages' and 'Titanfall2 sessions' lol might be a while https://twitter.com/smealum?lang=en

What's the deal with PASLR and how is it supposed to affect extracting and injecting save files into games?

(Google is 100% useless when it comes to figuring out anything about that.)

Not on top of the wonk but ... it means crucial parts of the game are never stored in the same memory location so hax can't target a specific location and JKSV gives you a yellow screen

You'll get more luck on google with ' ASLR ' ... PASLR is apparently a watered down imitation ... the P stands for poxy or something Address Space Layout Randomization

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I really don't want to use JKSM honestly. Always liked how cleanly I can do things with svdt and until someone makes a decent and functional cia version of svdt I'm still gonna keep HBL around just for svdt.

I like being able to just browse through the game's save data like a folder and browse through my SD card to choose where I export which files. I have a bunch of folders with the games' names on them, nothing automatic, i export stuff file by file manually where I want it. No annoying automatic folder creation with timestamps like JKSM does.

If smea can bypass that PASLR thing and the 9.6 seed crypto directly that would be pretty cool, be it a HBL .3dsx update or new payloads, I guess. Then I wouldn't need to worry about it anymore until Nintendo might change something again, lol.

I guess in the meantime I could always keep SDF around just for OR and Sun, heh, as much as I dislike how SDF works. Still kinda better than JKSM in my eyes since it's a more official thing (even though JKSM objectively does things better, heh.)

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Guest Solgaleo Lunala
Basically Nintendo added something to newer firmwares that make save editing harder to do, but hackers are working on a way around it.

so how do i un newify my 3ds? is there a way to make it not new ? like downgrade

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It might be easier to trade it in for another N3DS on a lower firmware. Might cost you some money selling it, since buying a new one would likely cost more than you got from selling (maybe you can get secondhand, though.)

The downside though is that you may have to lose your save files in any digital games you have. Does ctr-httpwn let you transfer from higher firmware to lower firmware?

You could always buy OoT 3D and Powersaves like mentioned in this thread before, though. Then you could backup any digital games' save files that you care about and not have to worry about it. NNID can be unlinked from your current 3DS by Nintendo so you can link it to the new one and keep all your games.

You might not really need to do that if you get OoT + Powersaves, though. If all you want is to backup and restore save files then that should be more than enough; just give it time for homebrew devs to work around it. :P But imo replacing your 3DS entirely is also an option, that could be easier or simpler.

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Guest Solgaleo Lunala
It might be easier to trade it in for another N3DS on a lower firmware. Might cost you some money selling it, since buying a new one would likely cost more than you got from selling (maybe you can get secondhand, though.)

The downside though is that you may have to lose your save files in any digital games you have. Does ctr-httpwn let you transfer from higher firmware to lower firmware?

You could always buy OoT 3D and Powersaves like mentioned in this thread before, though. Then you could backup any digital games' save files that you care about and not have to worry about it. NNID can be unlinked from your current 3DS by Nintendo so you can link it to the new one and keep all your games.

You might not really need to do that if you get OoT + Powersaves, though. If all you want is to backup and restore save files then that should be more than enough; just give it time for homebrew devs to work around it. :P But imo replacing your 3DS entirely is also an option, that could be easier or simpler.

i was trying to figure out what oot is is that the ocarina zelda game? and where and how much are these powersaves ur all talking about?

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would i still need to hardmod if i just got the ocarina thing and the powersave?

With Ocarina of Time + Powersaves, you'd have to start Ocarina of Time, load a save, and open the inventory every time you want to use homebrew, and even then, future firmware updates could render this unusable. (And because of the PASLR stuff, this still might not be able to manage Sun/Moon saves.) Hard mod installers can install CFW, which comes with much more benefits, like the ability to install homebrew and ROM hacks to the home menu. Hard mod installations usually cost around 40 to 60 USD, not including shipping (so anywhere from 50 to 80 USD total). As @Ammako mentioned, purchasing another 3DS is an option, but if it's on 11.0 or above, then it won't be any more beneficial than keeping your current 3DS.

NNID can be unlinked from your current 3DS by Nintendo so you can link it to the new one and keep all your games.

Careful with this. From what I can tell, Nintendo is pretty inconsistent on this. They prefer you do a system transfer, which requires access to two consoles.

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Should be possible to find one secondhand so that you can make sure it's on a lower firmware by asking the seller, and you'll keep both that one and your current 3DS for now.

Then you'd do all the preparations on the newly-obtained 3DS, downgrade it to 9.2, install CFW, update it back to 11.2 (emunand, or sysnand with a9lh) which would allow you to system transfer from your current 3DS.

I'm not sure how much disposable money you have, but if you can afford to temporarily spare a hundred or two, I think that might be worth it. You'd sell the old one once you're done with the setup and the transfer and get most of your money back; or I guess you could keep it if you want to and can afford it. :P

If you sold your current one or traded it in for a new one you wouldn't really have enough time to set up the downgrade and everything, so by doing this you'd have as much time as you need to make sure you get to keep everything you care about before you get rid of the old one.

That being said, a hardmod could be worth it; it's always useful to have that plan B when something goes wrong (you can make a backup of your 3DS's nand and restore it at any point if you mess up somehow and it bricks.)

You'll likely have to spend extra money either way, be it buying OoT + Powersaves, hardmod, or replacing it with a new system. Unless you were able to hardmod it yourself or knew someone who could do it for you free of charge. :P

I'd personally recommend either going the hardmod route, or replacing your 3DS entirely, because downgrading and setting up CFW will allow you to do -way- more; Ocarina of Time + Powersaves only lets you access Homebrew launcher which is limited.

Even if you only wanted to backup/restore save files, CFW gives you the peace of mind of knowing you'll always have a reliable method of accessing your save files no matter what firmware updates Nintendo throws at you, while even the Cubic Ninja or Ocarina of Time w/ Powersaves methods of accessing Homebrew can be broken in a firmware update.

I mean I guess as long as ctr-httpwn continues working, you could potentially always remain on a lower firmware and keep homebrew access working but ehh.. I like not having to worry :P can just update.

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Guest Solgaleo Lunala
With Ocarina of Time + Powersaves, you'd have to start Ocarina of Time, load a save, and open the inventory every time you want to use homebrew, and even then, future firmware updates could render this unusable. (And because of the PASLR stuff, this still might not be able to manage Sun/Moon saves.) Hard mod installers can install CFW, which comes with much more benefits, like the ability to install homebrew and ROM hacks to the home menu. Hard mod installations usually cost around 40 to 60 USD, not including shipping (so anywhere from 50 to 80 USD total). As @Ammako mentioned, purchasing another 3DS is an option, but if it's on 11.0 or above, then it won't be any more beneficial than keeping your current 3DS.

Careful with this. From what I can tell, Nintendo is pretty inconsistent on this. They prefer you do a system transfer, which requires access to two consoles.

Wow both my old 3ds and the new 3ds I just got is on 11.2 :( what do I do now 80 dollars is a lot of moneybbut I really wanna get into this homebrew stuff for sun and moon . I can't do 8000 plus resets just to get a shiny Dx or throwing Pokemon in the ocean all day just to make 20k pokedollars ;_;

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Guest Solgaleo Lunala
Should be possible to find one secondhand so that you can make sure it's on a lower firmware by asking the seller, and you'll keep both that one and your current 3DS for now.

Then you'd do all the preparations on the newly-obtained 3DS, downgrade it to 9.2, install CFW, update it back to 11.2 (emunand, or sysnand with a9lh) which would allow you to system transfer from your current 3DS.

I'm not sure how much disposable money you have, but if you can afford to temporarily spare a hundred or two, I think that might be worth it. You'd sell the old one once you're done with the setup and the transfer and get most of your money back; or I guess you could keep it if you want to and can afford it. :P

If you sold your current one or traded it in for a new one you wouldn't really have enough time to set up the downgrade and everything, so by doing this you'd have as much time as you need to make sure you get to keep everything you care about before you get rid of the old one.

That being said, a hardmod could be worth it; it's always useful to have that plan B when something goes wrong (you can make a backup of your 3DS's nand and restore it at any point if you mess up somehow and it bricks.)

You'll likely have to spend extra money either way, be it buying OoT + Powersaves, hardmod, or replacing it with a new system. Unless you were able to hardmod it yourself or knew someone who could do it for you free of charge. :P

I'd personally recommend either going the hardmod route, or replacing your 3DS entirely, because downgrading and setting up CFW will allow you to do -way- more; Ocarina of Time + Powersaves only lets you access Homebrew launcher which is limited.

Even if you only wanted to backup/restore save files, CFW gives you the peace of mind of knowing you'll always have a reliable method of accessing your save files no matter what firmware updates Nintendo throws at you, while even the Cubic Ninja or Ocarina of Time w/ Powersaves methods of accessing Homebrew can be broken in a firmware update.

I mean I guess as long as ctr-httpwn continues working, you could potentially always remain on a lower firmware and keep homebrew access working but ehh.. I like not having to worry :P can just update.

And what about the freakyforms thing is that another option or same result as cubic ninja and ocarina ?

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