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Posted (edited)

Im a Pc guy and I just necessarily just want to know what you guys have to say

Please explain why you say so and yes ... arguements about the platforms are allowed untill/Unless the mods have a say in that (or stop it)

I like pc's for gaming..... yeah thats why

Edited by SCV

As someone who does some IT work (but am by no means an expert):

Macs are expensive due to generally how easy they are to use and the low amount of time it takes to acquire the knowledge to use them. They are essentially "pre-built" machines, hence why they cost so much more than a PC.

The one situation in which I could justify a purchase of a Mac over a PC is for media edition. For video editing, pro-tools, and a bunch of other things, they are well worth it. at least that's what those in the fields of journalism and many other media think.

Otherwise, it's mainly lazy college kids who don't want to take the time to learn how to use a damn computer.

That being said, I don't think they are extremely user friendly. I could not hand a Mac to a grandparent and expect them to learn to use it. I couldn't do it with a PC either, but I can at least customize a PC so that it only does e-mail, basic Internet surfing, and picture storage.

PCs are basically blank slates for computers. It can be as simple or as complex as one would like. Ideally, those who own PCs would learn a few basics before using them (run Windows Update regularly, install reliable anti-virus, etc...). But because they usually don't, I get paid to do it for them.

so I prefer PCs.


I too am a...ugh, I hate the usage of 'pc'...Microsoft Windows fan. :) I grew up around them because my dad has worked with such computers for as long as I can remember. So there has never been anything but Windows-run computers in our house. However, this may soon change as my dad goes to get Apple certified.

That being said, because I grew up using a computer such as this, I've attempted to use the Mac interface and it confuses me greatly. I think Macs are kind of trashy for being so dang expensive. But that's probably also due to the fact that most of them are white, and white things (ESPECIALLY around college students) become dull...and a greying faded brownish color. Yick.

I like my 15.6in Asus for half the price of a small Mac, thank ya muchly.


Firstly as CuleX would say, this thread was not formulated correctly, so after my post I will change the title.

PC vs Mac is usually a misnomer. Macs are also personal computers.

For a hardware debate it should be Mac vs Non-Mac.

For a Operating system debate it would be Windows vs. OS X vs. Linux, etc

Now, technicalities asside.

My OS of choice is the Fedora distribution of linux. Firstly, its free. There are tons of free programs for especially the type which I use which are for programming. Fedora has even developed a very nice windows cross compiler which makes it so those who know how to use it don't have to touch a windows system again.

I use windows alot as well and its ok, I simply prefer linux.

With OS X I do have my gripes. Firstly, you can only install (legally) on Mac hardware. To make programs that run on OS X they need to be compiled on a machine running OS X. There are even legal issues that are preventing the developent of an osx cross compiler.

This ties in to the hardware debate as Macs are deemed very closed as opposed to other machines. The usage of OS X would probably go way up if it wasn't for the requirement of having to have a Mac to run it.

Apple's business philosophy is one that I don't agree with. The advantage of a Mac is that I can install windows, OS X and Linux on it. But since this is done because of Apple's policies rather than an actual advantage in Mac hardware, this doesn't count as a plus for Macs.

That said, I am probably going to buy a Mac in the near future. I will still use Linux as my primary system but I will be able to have all three on one machine. This way I can compile programs for users of each OS. There's no reason to punish OS X users for Apple's bad policies.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, this topic covers several things, so I'll just categorize them.

Hardware: I don't know much about hardware, but it seems like most video-specialists, graphic-specialists, photographers, architects, fashion designers, and any other designers and media specialists--use Mac. I prefer Mac since I love to take pictures, play around with PS, and do other media-like things.

OS: OS X is my choice. Although, most non-major programs are either non-compatible or difficult to find in retail stores. I love everything about it. It's design and colorful-ness and all it's other cosmetic designs are the best out of all the OSs. I love everything about the OS from playing videos from just the video's icon to the expose.

I love all the pre-bundled programs on it and everything goes much faster on it than the Windows computer we have. Note: The Windows computer the same Intel Processor. It goes faster with everything and doesn't trip out when I have several programs opened (although, that's RAM. :P) It also starts up really fast compared to the Vista laptops I've seen.

  • 3 weeks later...

I prefer macs.

Easy, clean, colorful, customizable, and I love the interface. :D

My school has windows on all of its computers, but I find myself that I can work much better on macs. I also use itunes, spotify, PS, and iphoto/movie a lot. I think you just need to know the right apps to get for macs to enjoy them to their fullest extent.

  • 3 weeks later...

In my opinion, unless your going into a profession dealing with graphic design, video manipulation or any real 'arts' then a Mac is obviously the better choice.

But if you want to just get online talk to friends, play some games and get the most for your buck (like me) go PC.

  • 3 weeks later...

I prefer Windows, I want 7, but XP will have to do. I like Windows for many reason. If you patch it, you can use millions of themes (not really millions but a lot of good ones). Linux is just too much for me. I would go absolutely crazy customizing it. *points to Flootenkerp* If I had a Mac, I know that you could get VMWare Fusion or something and then install a lot of virtual machines on it and have 3 different operating systems on it, but I think Macs are just incredibly expensive, and I would do what on a Mac? Surf the internet, edit a few photos, make some videos, and a few other things and that's it. On Windows 7, I would do all that, and customize it, and a lot more. And I could do a lot of those things free, when iPhoto/Movie cost money, right? (Please correct me)

So Windows imo is my favorite.

  Mew_kid said:
and I would do what on a Mac? Surf the internet, edit a few photos, make some videos, and a few other things and that's it. On Windows 7, I would do all that, and customize it, and a lot more. And I could do a lot of those things free, when iPhoto/Movie cost money, right? (Please correct me)

iMovie / iDVD are FAR FAR more powerful and better than Windows Movie Maker. You get the whole iLife suite when you buy a Mac for free. iMove and iDVD together alone can allow those multiple menu options, special feature options, chapter menus, and more alone. Windows Movie Maker is essentially just a slideshow IMO. Windows Picture And Fax Viewer is also hardly a thing to compare to iPhoto. In iPhoto, you can edit photos (To a certain degree, it's not Photoshop), face recognition/organization, superb slideshows (Plays music, photos do effects, background effects, etc.), and more.


Ok thanks. :) Another thing is that I don't use WMM and Windows Picture And Fax Viewer. I replace Windows Picture And Fax Viewer, with GIMP, and WMM I don't need because I only make Screencasts with Camstudio (Recently updated to BB Flashback Pro (Trial)) And thats all put into one video for me. Good quality too. WMM ruins the quality of everything %50000000.

  Greencat said:
But GIMP & Camstudio don't come pre-installed. you have to download them separately and aren't developed from Microsoft. ;)

Yea, but actually there's a website called Ninite.com and basically you choose what software you want (its all freeware) and download a super installer type thing and it installs everything you chose (sadly I don't think Camstudio is on there although you can recommend freeware to them). And of course its not developed by Microsoft. Just about everything I've downloaded on my PC (except for maybe a couple like the service packs) is not developed by Microsoft.

  • 2 years later...

My bone with Apple: They control everything about their users. Their kinda like a greedy politician. They sell you a decent product. okay. But then they release an update, on a new product. ... okay ... You can't get this update without the entire new product. ... sell my current product? Yeah, let's try that ... [ nobody wants -- it's now old ] Okay...maybe I can fork over another arm and leg for the new updates... nope, not gonna work. [ later ] oh hey, that app looks cool! What? I can't install it? WHY NOT ?! ... oh. It requires the new update for me to use it.

My bone with Microsoft: They try ( and fail ) at doing what Apple does. For example, their PE file format is the only thing that keeps us from being able to run versions of Office on other OS's without a special package or release. Also -- their .NET thing is bullcrap. They want to sell you specialized hardware that makes .NET run faster than native processor code. Their Windows 8 release is also slightly controlling in my experience ( However, Microsoft did do a better job, and made me not mind them having control for once because they designed a product worth using in this instance ). It removed my boot entry for WindowsXP, and made it near impossible to install Ubuntu ( what I am running now ). It also kind of forces you to use Windows live or Hotmail.

Mac-Hardware: Don't get it. You're just buying a label most of the time. You can get the same thing as a PC much cheaper.

PC: Get this. It's much easier to ( legally ) perform maintenance on as there aren't a million .5mm screw holes to get to the parts Apple is afraid of you messing with. (;

Personally, as a developer I enjoy Linux and Windows ( XP or 7 -- I might try 8 again when my hardware is better able to handle it )

Linux just works. Most distros come pre-loaded with python, g++, gcc and more. It's also very secure in comparison to Windows. Also, for non-tech-savy people, it's nearly impossible to break without just blatantly deleting crucial things. It's also a free OS most of the time ( there are people who have built Linux distros and are selling them ) and it is just as user friendly as OS X if you want it to be.

Windows works well, and has lots of software that works greatly with it. For example -- Windows 7's version of Explorer is great, and very intuitive. I prefer it to Ubuntu's Unity or even it's old interface. It also has Photoshop and many other things that work greatly with it ( as well as field-specific software like Autocad )

So you really shouldn't use Mac if you ever have any desire to learn and experiment.

You should use Windows for professional things most of the time.

You should use Linux if you prefer it to Windows and are worried about security.

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