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Remove hat´s trainer - PkHex (sorry, i speak spanish and little english)


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Hello. I'm -Sapphire- and need help (sorry, my english is bad because i speak spanish. I'll try speak english).

In english:

I liked quit the hat´s trainer (no hat). This tutorial explain:


I put the value called "Hat" to zero. So far so good, however the PSS Icon continue with the hat. My question is: How do I remove the hat of the PSS Icon? I know it's possible. Once I saw a person without the hat in passerby list.

Help me, please. Thanks.


En español:

Me gustaría quitar el sombrero de la entrenadora (sin sombrero). Este tutorial explica como hacerlo:


Yo puse el valor llamado "Hat" a cero. Hasta aquí todo bien, sin embargo el ícono del PSS continúa con el sombrero. Mi preguntas es: ¿Cómo puedo quitar el sombrero al ícono del PSS? Sé que es posible. Una vez ví a una persona sin el sombrero en la lista de transeúntes.

Necesito ayuda, por favor. Gracias.

Edited by -Sapphire-
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Thank for response.

But i tried edit values (A,C,D,E,F). If i edit "HAT" value to zero the hat disappears. I got this:


However, the PSS Icon has the default hat (the pink hat with the white sunglasses). If edit the value "hat" to 1, appears an strange hat, but in PSS icon not have hat but neither the top of the head. Is strange.

Question: What is the "Outfit Vals" values?

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