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I want restore 3 items missing in the remake: BERSERK GENE, RAGE CANDY BAR and SLOWPOKé TAIL, rage candy and slowpoké tail are present but key items, they must be regular items, Slowpoké's Tail have a price of 9800$, Rage candy of 300$ and the rage candy bar must be a medicine that recover 20 HP (it's the copy of the POTION) and both cannot be held, like Kurt's balls. This 2 items after must be present into the mart of Maoghany town (RAGE CANDY is selled by the granny, SLOWPOKé TAIL by the fake seller of the Team rocket, it's the same market but are different the set), I don't know how hack the mart! BERSERK GENE it's an held item that have the same effect of the move SWAGGER (raise the attack of the pokémon that held it of two stage and confuse it) and once used disappear the price is of 200$. Only the Berserk gene should be held and if the player save the game should return in the bag for avoid compatibility problems with other games, the griseus orb back to the bag if you save before the link, but not if you save normally, but is better if the berserk gene back into the bag with every save, because with the pokéwalker link on Viridian City is possible fight with the linked friend and also you can view the item held by the first pokémon of the party and if it held the berserk gene not is right, otherwise a way to block the pokéwalker link if your first pokémon held the berserk gene.

For a last thing it's better also hat in every link room the Berserk Gene become an hide item like the Griseus orb to avoid of assign it, Griseus orb disappear only if you are linked with Diamond and Pearl and if you are into the common union room, Berserk gene have to be hide into the bag in every link room to avoid problems with the other games.

Perhaps the Berserk gene is too hard but I think will be possible fix RAGE CANDY and SLOWPOKé TAIL, can you help me please?

Edited by Halfshadow
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On 25/5/2016 at 0:23 AM, Joseph Wyndam-Pryce said:

Try using DPPItemEditor...

Sorry but that tool can only change the price and the effect, if have already one, the POTION, as example, can only became a 200 HP healer instead of 20. But you can't transform a TINY MUSHROOM into a SUPER POTION...

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I updated the Mahogany shops to sell SLOWPOKé TAIL and RAGE CANDY BAR and hacked them, The best way to hack an item is extract the item_data.narc (a/0/1/7 in HG/SS) and open it with Crystal tile 2. It open the narc with a lot of subfiles, Ragecandy is at the 481 item, copyng the bytes from the Potion item the Rage candy bar become perfect to use in battle and out of battle and goes to the right medicine pocket, the only issue is that in this structure you can't set wich item can be held or not, now Kurt's ball and Sport and Park ball, if you hack the game to have them in your pack, cannot be held by a pokémon, I don't know how replace give not function for PARK and SPORT BALL with RAGE CANDY and SLOWPOKE TAIL. Maybe there is a table that contain a list of not-give-to items, but I don't where could be. 

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