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Secret Base Trainer editing.


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I wanted to see what would happen if I edited a Secret Base trainer's pokemon, replacing the 3 with Blissey. I can only replace the first 2, even when number 3 is edited, and I click "save" it doesn't work. For example, someone's third pokemon was a Charizard. After editing I battled 2 Blisseys, and the last pokemon was a Charizard. Is that supposed to happen? A measure to prevent full on cheating? Just wanted to speed up the exp gaining process without stopping at the limit with my Secret Base pals (who all have Blisseys).

EDIT: Turns out I have to edit 1 or 2 after 3 in order to save that specific edit. Kind of redundant, but I'll live with it.

Edited by RustInPeace
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