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Which starter is best: remember your votes are public  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Which starter is best: remember your votes are public

    • Piplup
    • Chimchar
    • Turtwig
    • Piplup because of evolutions
    • chimchar because of evolutions
    • turtwig because of evolutions

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  pokemonfan said:
Oh, maybe next time I play I should choose chimchar you are making good points but I'm still going to support piplup!



If drifloon was a starter it would rock the world


Stop telling people what to vote for in polls.

It is their choice.


He said himself that "Piplup would win hands down" so I dont see why he would not vote for piplup. I checked the poles and I didn't see his vote so I thought maybe he forgot to vote So that is why I brought it up. I do my best to support piplup but if you want me to stop telling people then I will.

  Pender said:
I don't care how unpopular he appears to be on this topic, I'm going with Turtwig. Some of us do like the idea of a pokemon with a landscape on its back, pokemonfan:p

:D Exactly. Although I think Swampert/Typhlosion are the coolest starters.

I was just arguing that in terms of pokemon to start the game with, and beat it the Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape line makes it the easiest. He's arguing over which one is cooler. :x

  Enkidu said:
:D Exactly. Although I think Swampert/Typhlosion are the coolest starters.

I was just arguing that in terms of pokemon to start the game with, and beat it the Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape line makes it the easiest. He's arguing over which one is cooler. :x

If you are referring to me arguing over who is cooler that isn't my point. I was just trying to say that piplup is the best but now I'm losing site of my purpose for it. So since this argument is creating some tension I do believe I've decided to try and end it. Click hereTo help end this senseless debate. I feel partially responsible for spurring it on and creating it so I feel the need to end it. It is quite clear who is winning.

  pokemonfan said:
It is quite clear who is winning.

Who is winning, for now. Circumstances change.

Also, this debate isn't senseless, it is full of logic, which some members on site need when making a decision such as this.

  damio said:
Who is winning, for now. Circumstances change.

Also, this debate isn't senseless, it is full of logic, which some members on site need when making a decision such as this.

Again another good point, what is up with you and good points. Some of it is just senseless because it has been said already (I have done that I know) but don't you think it is getting kind of old. I mean it is dragged out on like three threads and it is just getting tiresome. Maybe I should just stop commenting.

Plus, due to the amount of chimchar support I don't think the results are going to change. At all!

Click here to help stop the argument!

  pokemonfan said:
Again another good point, what is up with you and good points. Some of it is just senseless because it has been said already (I have done that I know) but don't you think it is getting kind of old. I mean it is dragged out on like three threads and it is just getting tiresome. Maybe I should just stop commenting.

Plus, due to the amount of chimchar support I don't think the results are going to change. At all!

Click here to help stop the argument!

I am good at arguing.

'Nuff Said.


That link is pointless, I have already shown that debate is a great way of displaying information.

The results will change, maybe in favour of Piplup, maybe in favour of Chimchar.

You don't know, and you can't speak for other people.

  damio said:
I am good at arguing.

'Nuff Said.


That link is pointless, I have already shown that debate is a great way of displaying information.

The results will change, maybe in favour of Piplup, maybe in favour of Chimchar.

You don't know, and you can't speak for other people.

Well...look at all the good information there is on chimchar/and evolutions this is from a number of different people too. Plus all the info on piplup well just doesn't match up! Turtwig support is hardly even on this thread! All this has really effected my outlook on the game and probably others. So much so that I am convinced. You win! Chimchar is the best. The next time I get a chance I will choose chimchar and not piplup or turtwig! Ok I am completely convinced that with the right upbringing chimchar/evolutions can own the game. Happy now! Plus if you really want to keep arguing what are you going to do? I'm so sick and tired of this debate especially when I know I'm losing and I can not possibly match up against your good points and that of others. I'm only one person, and the other starter support isn't as powerful as chimchar's support so I hope that chimchar and all of his fans are happy! That is all I have to say. Good day/night wherever you live!


  pokemonfan said:
Well...look at all the good information there is on chimchar/and evolutions this is from a number of different people too. Plus all the info on piplup well just doesn't match up! Turtwig support is hardly even on this thread! All this has really effected my outlook on the game and probably others. So much so that I am convinced. You win! Chimchar is the best. The next time I get a chance I will choose chimchar and not piplup or turtwig! Ok I am completely convinced that with the right upbringing chimchar/evolutions can own the game. Happy now! Plus if you really want to keep arguing what are you going to do? I'm so sick and tired of this debate especially when I know I'm losing and I can not possibly match up against your good points and that of others. I'm only one person, and the other starter support isn't as powerful as chimchar's support so I hope that chimchar and all of his fans are happy! That is all I have to say. Good day/night wherever you live!


I was actually arguing for Piplup, not chimchar.

You are only losing this debate because you fail to support your claims with evidence, which is extremely important.

Regarding where I live; read my location.

Posted (edited)

Does it seem like I care where you live or what time it is now? Well maybe my inability to produce information is based off of the fact that I really didn't know much about the starters and their move pool and stuff like that till now. Plus, it is clear that the debate for piplup is also being lost because no one but me seems to be fighting for piplup. I mean sure they have said they liked piplup and their are other voters but really not much battle has come out of any piplup supporter. i have just responded and tried to counter the good points you all make.


Edited by Greencat
  pokemonfan said:
Does it seem like I care where you live or what time it is now? Well maybe my inability to produce information is based off of the fact that I really didn't know much about the starters and their move pool and stuff like that till now. Plus, it is clear that the debate for piplup is also being lost because no one but me seems to be fighting for piplup. I mean sure they have said they liked piplup and their are other voters but really not much battle has come out of any piplup supporter. i have just responded and tried to counter the good points you all make.


I have been arguing for the sake of information, but being slightly bias to Piplup because it is the cutest/best out of all of them.

  damio said:
I have been arguing for the sake of information, but being slightly bias to Piplup because it is the cutest/best out of all of them.

What? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else. Quite frankly I'm tired of the argument, I'm just not sure if arguing for the sake of information is motivating enough to keep on fighting. Plus who would keep reading if they knew it wasn't a real argument?

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