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Okay so I've been trying to make some pokemon on Pokegen, but a lot of problems have been happening. The first pokemon I made, a shiny metagross, was fine. The second, shiny absol, had a few of the problems I'm about to mention, but changing the trainer id seems to have fixed it. Now I tried making a shiny Umbreon, but as soon as I save, a whole bunch of information changes. For example, it changed the species to abomasnow, changed the level from 100 to 92 and erased the first move (toxic) but kept the pp. It also erased the hatch location, but for some reason that is working again. I'll try to post the pkm file, so please help if you can!


Umbreon.pkmFetching info...


Edit: Also, just to be clear, I'm not trying to use these pokemon for cheating online. I want them for personal use, and playing against friends. I just would like to be able to make these pokemon without all the problems I've been having. Thanks!


shininess is dependent on TID, SID, and PID. Changing any of them will usually make it unshiny.

Current Level is dependent on experience and the species' growth rate; change the species and PokeGen recalculates the current level.

You're likely did something wrong saving (ie, saving a save file) rather than saving from tabs.

  Kaphotics said:
shininess is dependent on TID, SID, and PID. Changing any of them will usually make it unshiny.

Current Level is dependent on experience and the species' growth rate; change the species and PokeGen recalculates the current level.

You're likely did something wrong saving (ie, saving a save file) rather than saving from tabs.

No, I saved from tabs, like I always do, and I didn't change the species, that happened when I saved. It also liked to erase where the egg hatched and some, if not all of my moves. I have tried tons of things, including purposely making the pokemon as a non shiny, but I still get at least one of these problems.

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