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problem with no$gba/no$zoomer saves

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I'm playing Pokemon White 2, and i tried to modify my savegame but it's look like that filesize don't match (Probably i'm doing something wrong. sorry, it's my first time using pokegen)

Is anyway to change/convert my savegames, to convert it, to open it with pokegen?

NOTE: I'm using EUR version of the ROM, in spanish (I don't know if this has any importance)

This is my savegame:



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Did you set No$GBA's save type to Raw? If not, do so in either the settings or the ini. Load the game, and save, then try Pokegen again.

Although you really ought to use DeSmuMe, since it's been updated more recently, it's faster, and it has better general game support.

Also, this isn't related to Pokegen as a program, so I'll go ahead and move this thread.

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